You'll be my girlfriend?

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Ashley's POV
we've been looking for 5 weeks now and there's been no sign of Chantelle any where and I'm really worried what if something's happened to her what if something's got her? I hope she's ok today's our 20th time we've went out searching for her and I think the guys are close to giving up but I'm not I'm not going to give up finding Chantelle.
I was sat on the couch looking at the map we drew after we've been to places and tried to think of somewhere, where we haven't looked yet as I was thinking the guys came in with sympathetic looks.
"you alright ash?" Jinxx asked
"Yh I'm fine why?" I stopped looking at the map and looked to the guys
"Well it's been 5 weeks since Chantelle's been missing and we were thinking what if we're never going to find her and were not getting much done because we've been looking for her maybe it's time we paused the searching and started finding food" cc said not looking at me
"WHAT!!!!! You think I'm going to stop looking for her well your wrong I'm not going to give up until I find her and I don't care if it takes......."
"Ashley?" I heard a faint voice come from the door way I looked over to it and saw a muddy, torn clothed Chantelle with big swollen eyes which shows she's been crying
"Chantelle?" I said she nodded and I ran to her and hugged her she hugged me back and the guys came over and joined in on the hug.
We separated and Chantelle looked at the guys with a joke angry face
"You guys were really going to stop looking for me not trying to sound selfish or anything but I wouldn't stop trying to find you guys" the guys looked down and said they were sorry
"Where have you been?" I asked sitting her on the couch
"Oh here and there at first I was hiding in the hall thing but then I got bored of it and started looking around"
"Then why are your clothes ripped?" I asked
"Oh because I walked through some bushes and they ripped my clothes a bit"
"And the mud?"
"I fell over at a point because I wasn't watching where I was going I was just thinking about what happened 5 weeks ago" she said looking down
"Why did you now choose to come back?" Jinx asked
"Cause I know how stubborn Ashley is on searches and know you lot wouldn't get food till I was found" she said smiling
"Well why don't we get you cleaned up the bathrooms on the left I got the water working at last" jake said
"Thanks see you lot in a minute" she said and ran off down the hallway
"Now can we look for food?" Cc said
"Yh we can cc come on guys let's go ash you stay here with Chantelle and makes sure she's right but no funny business" andy said smiling
"Of course not andy she's just got back" I said
He nodded and walked off following the guys while I sat on the couch waiting for Chantelle and thinking what to say to her
"Ummm andy don't want to be with you any more so you can date me no that sounds desperate Andy's not keen on you any more no that's not true and it's a horrible thing to say ok well andy saw how much I loved you and thought that me and you would be a better couple than you and him well best I got" I said and waiting for Chantelle to come out of the shower
When she did she was dressed in new clothes and her hair was much cleaner
"Where'd the guys go?" Said she
"Went to get food" I paused "unm Chantelle?" I asked
"Yes ash" she said
"Ummm about what I said before you left I meant it and I do love you I've loved you ever since I saw you but I understand if you don't feel the same way but I just hope we can still be friends if you don't feel like that cause I don't want that to ruin our friendship" I said looking down then glancing at her
She sat down and thought about what I said I sat down next to her looking at my hands fidgeting
"You meant it?" She asked
"Of course I meant it I wouldn't say it if I didn't ha" I chuckled and looked down again
"Ash" Chantelle said and I looked at her and all of a sudden her lips were on mine I didn't hesitate to kiss her back. her lips were so soft I felt like crying when she pulled away I looked away and then back at her
"So does this mean you like me as well?" I asked
She laughed
"What do you think?" She said smiling and I started smiling like an idiot
"Yes finally I've wanted you to feel the same way for ages so this means your my girlfriend" I said she nodded I jumped up and pulled her up and hugged her. I pulled away from her and looked at her
"I love you chantelle" I said
"I love you too ash" she said and kissed me and we sat down and kissed which felt like forever.

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