She Doesn't Have A Name

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We followed Natalie to her room. She looked so peaceful. Kelly and I calmed down instantly. We just stood there observing that cute baby for about what seemed and infinite amount of time.

As they decided to keep her overnight just in case, Kelly went home to grab some things and prepare everything for tomorrow.


When I got back to the hospital the first thing I saw was Stella sleeping besides our niece's crib. I grab a chair and I sit on the other side. After 20 minutes the baby started crying so I grabbed her and calmed her down at the same moment Stella woke up.

KS- Hey! She was crying and I calmed her down.
SK- Great... Is everything ready for tomorrow??
KS- It is, we just need to buy a crib first thing in the morning and on the way here I went to Herrman's and he lend me a car seat that he didn't need anymore, so I thing we are pretty much ready.
SK- But are we ready to take care of her? And make those big decisions and everything that will change in our life?
KS- I don't know if we are ready. We will see tomorrow when we bring her home. We will learn along the way and we will be just fine, because thia baby girl needs us.
SK- You are the best, you always know what to say to calm me. I love you.
KS- I love you too. I've been thinking, what do we call her, we don't know her name right?
SK- I've been thinking about that. I'll call Hailey to see if she knows anything.

Stella went out to get something to eat and call Hailey. In the meantime I was holding the baby till Natalie came to check her and told me to go with Stella. As I got to the cafeteria Stella was talking to Hailey on the phone so I just stood in front of her. When she hunged up I hugged her, I don't know why I just needed to do it. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes in the comfort of our arms. After that we got a coffe and something to eat.

SK- Is she okay?
KS- She is, Natalie is doing a check up now. Did you find anything?
SK- Apparently no one knows her name. After her mother died, my brother kept her secret to protect her. Only my brother's neighbour knew about her but he didn't know her name. Apparently, they found her thanks to him, he heard her crying and as she wasn't stoping he went over there and found her alone in the apartment that seemed broken in so he called the police, and here we are.
KS- Omg, poor baby... but doesn't the hospital where her mother gave birth know anything?
SK- No... When she gave birth they didn't have a name, and  she died a week after that. When she passed my brother took her home without giving the hospital any notice... I guess he was too broken, after everything he has been through... I just hope they find him so she can reunite with her father and can grow up with him.
KS- Hey, look at me, they will find him, it's just a matter of time. Until then we will take great care of her
SK- Okay (she said almost crying). So I guess we will have to find a name for her.
KS- You have any in mind?
SK- I have a couple, first I was thinking of Aminah Shay , means truthful in arabic and the other one is Kaia Shay.
KS- I love them both, but why Shay, you didn't know her?
SK- Maybe I didn't know her, but I know you and I know she was your best friend and I want a reminder of her in our life even if it's a small one. KS- You think of everything, don't you? I love you. Why those names? SK- Well, I always liked Aminah since I found out it was the name of my great great granmother. And we had a cousin named Kaia, my brother and her were best friends, until she died from a rare illness, so I was thinking that my brother would've probably named her like that.
KS- Then we should stick with Kaia right? And keep Aminah for the future...
SK- Sounds good to me. We should head upstiars.
KS- Yeah we should...

I love how Stella didn't even flinch at the thought of having a daughter of our own. We never talked about it but maybe the time for that talk was not so far. We headed upstairs and saw Natalie feeding her. She told us that she was okay and that she could come home with us the next day. After that she explained some basic things that we needed to know and gave us some tips. We spend the night there. We varely got any sleep, not because Kaia didn't let us, but because we were amazed by her and nervous at the same time, because the next day we would have a new life. 

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