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Imole narrated her life's story to Bamike upon her return, and the latter was an emotional mess when the tale was over.

"How could something like that happen in the church? How?"

"Bamike, not everyone that says 'Lord' is of God. Not all that are in the church are truly born again. While some know the Lord, they are still yet to fully surrender their hearts and character to the Lord to carry out His spiritual surgery on them. Many are circumcised in the human sense, but uncircumcised at heart. Their hearts are still stony and as cold as ice. We must be intentional about surrendering our hearts and lives to God, else, we will be church goers without a thorough reformation of life and heart."

"But Imole, how could you forgive them? How did you do it?"

"The Lord did it Bamike. If it was old Imole that came here for NYSC, she would have probably burned down the church and complete her mission. But glory be to God for saving me from myself. Even when those who hurt us refuse to stop, we can forgive because Jesus always forgives. I am His daughter and I must take after Him by letting love lead."

"Imole, your entire family has abandoned you and according to Princess, your name has become a taboo in the community and in your family too. How can your birth mother ever forget the pain she went through and let you suffer alone? For the sake of her own comfort, she abandoned you."

"Bamike, Isaiah 49:15 says that a mother can forget the baby she nursed, but only God alone can never forget us. Even David, the man after God's heart, was also an outcast in His family. It was so bad that he was forgotten when Prophet Samuel came to anoint the next king of Israel. In Psalm 27: 10, he wrote, 'When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me.' And that was what the Lord did for me. I was abandoned and called 'desolate." I was shamed and made to feel like the wretched of the earth. I was beaten and battered, but when the light of Jesus came in, all of that became a thing of the past."

"So, when your service is over, will you stay behind?" Bamike asked in curiosity.

Imole smiled broadly.

"I will do all God wants me to do this one year and if He thinks I should remain, so be it. If not, wherever He leads, I will follow. He is the potter and I the clay."

"Truly, not all who carry a child in their wombs can be called 'a mother.' Ms. Nwaeze is blessed to have seen the potential in you and watered you to become this lovely and kind young woman. Many who have gone through what you went through might even hate God and never want anything to do with Him. But even in your pain, you saw God because there was a person next to you who reflected His character without pretense. We need more mothers like Ms. Nwaeze."

Imole chuckled and replies, "I agree Bamike. I agree."

Imole walked out of her room into the cool night outside and looked up.

"You have turned my mourning into dancing and my sorrow to joy. You changed my story and called me by name. You put a new song into my mouth and gave me a brand new beginning. Abba, I don't know what challenges I will face in this one - year period, but I know that you are always with me – you have proved that over and over again. Surely, what shall I render unto you for your goodness to me? Who am I that you are mindful of me? Who am I that you take care of me?"

Imole threw her hands in the air and declared with confidence,

"I am Imole, Daughter of the Most High God."

The end.


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