Aries 1

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So everyone wonders why Aries are just as angry as they are. In the past, Aries bottled up their emotions until one day, they exploded.

Aries was a young boy who had everything he ever wanted: a loving family, supportive friends, a big house, anything you can really think of. As time goes on, Aries grew impulsive. He thought he had nothing to lose, when in reality he had everything. His parents were always very strict on him on how he spent his money and time. As a natural rebellion, Aries decided it would be a good idea to spend all his parents money on whatever he could find. His parents didn't allow any pets in the house, not even a dog. So Aries ran off to the pet store where he searched for the wildest animal he could find. None of the animals really caught his eye. He needed an animal that was completely out of the ordinary. So Aries ran off into the country, where no one could find him. He found this barn in the middle of absolutely nowhere when he met Taurus who was relaxing in her chair surrounded with animals of all kinds.

"What do you need?" said Taurus

"Any animal that will make my parents mad" said Aries

"I have a horse, I have a goat, I have sheep, I have a ram-" Taurus listed

"Wait what's a ram?" asked Aries

"I can show you" Taurus said

So Taurus showed Aries where he could find this so-called ram. The ram seemed completely out of control, and it kept butting its head on the fence. Aries immediately knew this was the animal to stress his parents out more than he does. So he hopped on the ram and rode it back home, where his parents were completely shocked.

"what in the world is this?"

"I found him. And he's not going anywhere. I'm keeping it."

"We will get you a new xbox if you give up the ram."


"We will get you a dog if you give up the ram."


"We will let you have everything you ever wished for if you give up the ram."



So Aries sacrificed the ram for any wishes he had for the rest of the year. And that's the story of Aries.

Background stories on the 12 Zodiacs: How they Became The Way They AreWhere stories live. Discover now