The Friday that changed my life forever

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                   The Friday that changed my life.

I wake up. The first thing I notice was the beeping of machines in my ear. I notice the white walls and the white scratchy sheets I laid in. I tried to sit up but my leg burned. I called my mother's name. 

"Mom! Mother!" I hollered. My throat got scratchy and hurt. Just than a women wearing a white, not in fashion these days walked in holding a oversized clip-board. 

"Who are you?" I asked nervously. She gave me a smile which flashed from the glaring sun seeping through the window shade. "Where am I?"

"Honey, you are in the hospital. " She answered flashing me a big smile like some stupid teenager would do while flirting with a boy way to far fetched for her.

"Your off your rocker. You've lost your common sense. Now let me ask you again. Where in the world am I?" I was losing patience now and wanting to go back to bed hoping that it was just another crazy dream that I have, but I didn't dare go to sleep one second unguarded near these unusual lady. Just than another lady looking just as perfect and computer paper white all around. It makes me sick.  So maybe I should have believed that women and gone crying into her arms and have her explain everything. But no, I was just that stubborn Kaliee that only believed things when I see it with my own eyes. 

"Kaliee doesn't believe me." the first lady unsuccessfully whispered to the second out of fashion women. 

"Hey!" I yelled snapping the people out of their own little whispering world. "I'm still here and I can hear you!!"  How they completely acted like I wasn't there infuriated me. I would have walked right up to them and gave them a piece of my mind for ignoring me and most likely kidnapping me except for the fact that I was aware that my leg was numb and I can't move it with out screaming in agony. The newest lady sighed and slowly walked over to me. 

"Don't say anything yet," She said as I started to open my mouth to tell her get her filthy hands away from me. "I'm not going to hurt you. look, I'll give you a crutch for your leg and we'll walk outside the room and I'll show you that we're not lying and you are truly in the hospital."

The words stabbed me like needles sending a shiver through my back. I didn't like the way she smiled at me so sweetly that made me think that she almost felt sorry for kidnapping me. But I didn't let myself believe that everything was okay for one second. She was the predator  luring me in for the pounce and it was like I was letting her.

" I can't trust you." I said. It was supposed to prove to them that I was not afraid but instead I said in a small, trapped, shaky voice. 

"Okay, than I guess that I'll just pull down these shades," She made a big dramatic show of pulling down the shades "And turn off the lights so you can go to sleep."

She cornered me. How did she know that I was afraid of the dark more the anything else? The only word that described her was a rat.  One of those rats that take forever to put in the subway tracks and say bye-bye. One of those rats that got the cheese from the trap but makes it out alive.  

Chapter two: The orphanage for girl juvenile delinquents 

It's been couple months later since the kid-napping hospital thing. So yeah, I was wrong, it was a hospital. But in a short story, I'll tell you what has happened in the horrible last three months. Here it goes. . .  so first what happened is I finally gave in and found out that it was a hospital. I admit that it was a bit embarrassing. They took an xray of my leg and put it in a cast. They say it is permanently  fractured. I can never walk on it without at least a crutch again. Those were the exact words that the nurse said. I'd rather pour a bucket of ice down my back and wait for it to melt than hear that my left leg was damaged for the rest of my life. Just than I saw three people lying on beds being pushed by nurses into an emergency room. I gasped, it was my mother, father, and brother lying motionless. It felt like somebody punched me full force in the chest. I ran after them ignoring the agony and unstable stiff cast on my leg. The monitor that showed the heart rate when into a straight line. I yelled, I screamed and banged on the glass door that separated me from my family. The nurses caught up to me. By than I was on the floor sobbing my heart out. From now on I would be called the loser that has no family. The nurse, named Marcia hugged me and whispered to me, "This is not how you were supposed to find out, I'm so sorry."  From than on it went downhill. The hospital boarded me in the Orphanage For Juvenile delinquent girls. That was the only because it was the nearest one and besides, I feel like a delinquent because I was the only one that survived that car crash. But I mean who names an orphanage for juvenile delinquent girls? The only people that would want to adopt them would be cops or jailers. Anyway, a couple HUNDRED has come to see me and maybe adopt me because the heard me in the newspaper as miracle child. None has liked me but I'm okay with that. I don't care if I rot in this horrible thing called an orphanage. Thats pretty much where I am now. 

I wake up and yawn. I looked down and shuddered. I was on the top bunk, same with other people on the rows and rows and rows of metal bunk beds. They were cold and never make you feel safe. The first nights I didn't sleep a wink. Snores echoed and bounced of the gray metal walls straight into my ear drum. I would rather hear long finger nails scraped on a chalk board than the snores of delinquents droning out even my own thoughts. The days go don't much better. We get up at 5:00 am and get dressed quickly, yes but-naked in front of all the girls and the "consolers" . It's embarrassing, but most of us realized  that if we slept in our clothes the humiliation would stop for a couple days. We'd go to the dining halls in silence pick up a plastic barf colored tray and stand in line waiting for a big blob of dark green/ gray cold pea soup and a most likely broken or chewed plastic spoon with a number written on it. Heck knows why they put numbers on them, rumor has it that they only have the number of spoons they have kids and thats why they only let limited people come. . . they care more about spoons than us. Bed time roll call sounded and we marched to bed just like military in training. And at that point I felt like I was in the army. Good night. 

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