Chapter four: Camp Abiline

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I roll down the window and the dust stings my eyes. I big crooked sign says welcome to Palvert, Tennessee. "Were home! Just another mile or so and you'll see our house." The women, otherwise known as Mrs. Abiline said. "Now, as you may know I work in a hospital about 45 minutes away from here and Mr. Abiline works just a mile away at the local convenient store from 9:00 to 3:00. " Why are they telling me this? Yet again another question left unanswered; for now. " Um, excuse me, Mrs. Abiline? Is there any other kids there?" The last thing I need is there to be some tough older girl or boy getting jealous of the less attention and all of a sudden wanting a punching bag. F.y.i me. . .

The car rolls to a stop and Mrs. and Mr. Abiline step out of the car so I follow with a crutch propped under my arm. We are in the parking lot of a long winded driveway. In front of us is a big house and a big field. Next to the field are a horse stable, goat pen, and a chicken coop. Also a bunch of little, uh, sheds. Maybe twenty or so. "Mr. Abiline, what are all the sheds for?" I was so curious that I was forgetting that I was asking about personal things. He didn't say anything so I am assuming that he didn't want me to know. Once I walk forward I see that there is numbers painted on the so called sheds, labeled one through eighteen. Once even closer I find that the stream and forest behind the sheds are part of the forest and have a very peculiar smell to them, sort of like an uncleaned bathroom. I squint my eyes an see children in the field. Bending over, in animal pens, watering and many other things that included getting water out of the well and putting the basin on the big house's front porch. What kind of place is this?

" Emily! Come here now!" Mrs. Abiline barked. A girl that looked around my age ran over. There was a terrified expression on her face. "Show, uh, this girl around and she will be your new cabin mate." Mrs. Abiline smirked as if all of a sudden disgusted by me. What is going on?

Emily pulled my hand over to a shed at the far end of the line and motioned me in. She closed the door. Once inside I could see a bunk bed with one one cheap quilt on each bed. There was a small pit for a fireplace and a stool next to the beds. On the stool was a glass of water and a small book. "Hi, I'm Emily but people call me Emma. Welcome to Camp Abiline, where dreams are crushed and happiness never happens. " Emma said. Then she burst out laughing. "Sorry, just joking. Anyway, this is Camp Abiline. We work like slaves for the Abiline pigs. We get fed twice a day of usually bread that is growing mold, old stew and canned beans. There are boys and girls here that were all orphans and were tough enough to join. " For a moment a smiled. They thought I was tough! Still tough even though I'm injured! " Every cabin has a schedule tacked to the wall which we have to follow on a daily bases. If your not in the cabin by 6:30 they don't give you dinner." She pauses.  "Sorry, I'm just talking blah, but I have never had a cabin mate before. You probably ahve no idea what I'm talking about, I just had to spill."

Questions float to my brain, about a million of them.

"Is this even legal?" I inquire.

"No, at least I don't think so. And if it is it shouldn't be. " Emma said. "Anyway, we have the same schedule so I can help you out. " Emma untacked the schedule from the crumbling wall. It read:

6:00 am get up, change, clean cabin, wash face, and go to bathroom if needed

6:30 am weed vegetable garden

7:30 am come back to cabin and eat breakfast

8:00 am bring big bucket of water to Abiline front porch and collect chicken eggs

9:30 am feed horses

10:00 am break

11:00 am clean ground floor windows

12:30 am come back to cabin and eat snack

1:00 pm clean horses stalls # 4-10

3:00 pm break

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