Part 1

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At 6:30 am, Adrianos woke up in a cold sweat. He didn't have to get up for another 30 minutes, but anxiety had shaken him out of unconsciousness.
August 27th. First day of a new high school. At least it was his final year until he could go off to college.
Though things didn't line up exactly the way they did in movies, people still tended to fit into clichés. There were still cliques, some more popular than others, but no one was worshipped the way Regina George was. The nerds made fun of the athletes, athletes bullied the popular kids, and some people floated between or back and forth from different groups.
Hopefully there would be some interesting people at school. Not necessarily to hangout with, but to entertain in class or in the hallway. Either way, Adrianos had already decided not to let himself be the loud kid or the one who talked too much.

6:40, scroll through phone.

7:00, get out of bed.

7:15, get out of the shower and get dressed.

7:40, eat a quick breakfast.

8:00, leave the house.

The way to school was the same as he had mapped and practiced. He knew town pretty well, having lived there his entire life. Things were rather uneventful in transit. There a few weirdos on his bus, but no one tried to talk to him and keeping his earbuds in easily distracted from the noise.

Would people he knew be at school? He hoped not, but if there were, he hoped they were the ones he had liked. He had some friends he was pretty close to. People he had gone to elementary school with or had met through others. As long as it wasn't anyone he had come into conflict with, he would be fine, he thought.
Adrianos had had very few bad confrontations in his life aside from the normal family stuff. He was pretty laid back and didn't tend to depend too much on anyone for his emotional well being, aside from the occasional crush.
Out of those few bad conflicts, one still bothered him. They had been friends as children, played in elementary school together. Best friends and inseparable.
It had all gone to shit when Adrianos mad a mistake.
"The Beatles are overrated," he had said. And that was it. He couldn't take it back.
Why had he said it when he knew how much his friend had adored The Beatles. He was white after all. Why did Adrianos choose to say that to a white boy?
Things would be fine. Nothing could be too bad. He had his schedule and he knew how to read room numbers.

The school was like any other. Being a bit late and unsure of where to go, Adrianos was one of the few kids left in the hallway with only five minutes to get to class. Staring down at his schedule, he didn't notice the boy coming his way. He bumped straight into it, almost tumbling backwards, propelled by the weight of his backpack. He caught him and looked up. "Sorry! I-" he began, stopping mid sentence when his eyes met those of the person in front of him. They were brown as the shag carpet in his grandparent's basement from the 70s. His skin was pale and milky, like white chocolate. A white shit; so special and prized in the US and even though they were frequent in the UK. He looked like he had been a good boy and drank all his milk when his mother asked him to. He had the little above his lip moustache. On anyone else, they might have looked like they were about to molest your young daughter, but on him, it looked like he would molest your of age daughter. He was so beautifully Adrianos, even with his glasses on.
Then he recognized him.
"Hey, Beatle hater."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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