Olympus Coliseum

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Momo looked around with Ven. "Nice place." Ven turned after running was heard. "Huh?" She looked at him then saw the goat guy. She followed Ven over to him.

"Hey, whatcha doin there?" The goat guy screamed and jumped. The guy turned around. "I told ya, I'm booked solid. N-O spells forget it!" "Huh? And who in Halicarnassus are you-- ? Why hello there toots."

"Hey, Phil! I'm all signed up! Phil!" A boy ran over to them. "Alright, Herc, I hear ya! Now would ya keep it down already."

"Aha!" A boy in armor came running. "Beautiful... you happy now? You blew my cover." The armored boy got to them. "Okay, fess up. I asked around, and everybody says your the guy. The trainer of heroes!" "True heroes!" "Really? You can teach that?" The boys looked at Ven. "Course he can. C'mon, Phil, please." Armor boy went to Phil. "I really wanna be a hero." "Look, we've been through this... I got two words for you-- student-teacher ratio." She looked at Ventus. "One, two... um?" "That's three words!" Phil turned to her and crossed his arms. "Alright. Three. I already got my hands full with this one. C'mon, Herc." The duo started walking. "I'm low-maintenance, I swear!"

They soon were stopped by Unversed.

"Unversed!" "Monsters, huh..." She ran off, "I'll make sure they aren't anywhere else!"


Momo got to the Coliseum and went to game boards. "Interesting."

"Momo!" She turned to see Ven running to her. "I'm going to go help Herc train. Want to come?" "No. I'm good. Go make friends, Ven. You need this." He smiled and nodded. "Thank you." He ran off.


"Momo! Unversed in the city!"

Momo looked at him and nodded. She followed him to their destination. "Stupid Unversed!"

The trio fought them all. The armored boy got the last one.

"What, you didn't save any for me?" "Hey, you're here." "Hey, I've set my sights on being a hero, too. I just don't run as fast, that's all." "So you both threw the match? Who won then?" "I left first, so it's not me." "Yeah, but I was only seconds behind you." "Still."

"Hey! I never said I'd coach the winner." Phil got to them. "All I said was I'd see the match, then decide. Look, bein a hero takes more than just muscle. Ya gotta have heart and care about people. And sure, you both get high marks for that. But this time, only one of you cared fast enough-- and that makes all the difference." "Then that means Herc?" "Oh man, I was this close!" The boy hung over then stood straight. "Well, that's life. I never really introduced myself." He took off his helmet, making Momo blush a bit. "The name's-"

"Zack! There you are! So not fair that you left me alone!"

The group turned to see a girl.

The group turned to see a girl

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"Rose, I'm sorry

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"Rose, I'm sorry." Rose crossed her arms and sighed. "I know. It's ok." She patted his shoulder. She looked at the group. "I'm Rose." "Momo and Ven." "Hercules, but Herc is fine." "Ok." She smiled more.

"Oh, Momo. I think you should stay here." "Ok. So long guys!" Momo rushed off.

Zack looked over at Hercules. "Congratulations, Herc." "Thanks, Zack." The group looked at Phil. "Yeah well, we'll see if you're still thankin him when I'm through with ya. You got a long road ahead of ya, champ." The raven started to do his signature squats. "Hey-- don't count me out. I'm still got plenty of big dreams to go with my lousy luck!" She giggled.

"You're leaving?"

Ventus stopped and turned to Hercules. "Yeah. My journey's not over yet." "But you'll visit, right?" "I'll stop by once you're a true hero." "Stop by once me and him are both heroes!" Zack went over. "Oh, so you mean never come back." "Hey, watch it!" The duo got all buddy, laughing, and making the others laugh.

"I better get back. You coming, Rose?" "You know it!"


Momo entered the Coliseum and saw Terra leave the lobby.

"Hm?" Hades turned to see her. "Who are you?" "Momo. I'm a friend of Terra's." "I'm Hades, Lord of the Dead. I'm helping your friend, conquer his darkness." "Really? Thank you. He really needs to get it under control. I better go see him."

She walked out.


Momo sat in the stands. She saw Zack come out with his helmet on. "Guess he passed on. I hope Ven will be ok." Rose soon sat on the opposite side of the stands.

She watched Terra and Zack fight it out. It seemed fine and Terra won. She stood up and smiled. She looked shocked when Zack got up and darkness surrounded him. He rushed at Terra. Terra blocked the first then dodged. "Stop it! The match is over!" "Zack!" He blocked a high attack. "It's not... me..." Darkness surrounded Zack again. "I'm not... doing this..." "He's being controlled!"

Hades appeared.

"Huh? So, what do ya think? You like my new super-warrior? See-- right here, this-- it's the power of darkness. Coulda been yours. Still could, if you open up to it." "Hades! You were just playing me! The darkness... will never have me!" Terra got Zack away from him. Zack got ready once again. "Help me... you've gotta... set my heart free..."

The duo fought again. Their respected girl was worried about them.

Zack fell to the ground and the darkness faded away. Cheers were all around for Terra. "Forget it. It looks like I bet on the wrong dark horse. That kid doesn't have what it takes to handle darkness." Hades left.."You gonna make it?" Zack looked up and Terra knelt down. "Y-yeah. I'm finally free."

Rose and Momo ran over to the duo as Terra helped Zack out.

"That stupid Hades left. Zack, are you ok?" Zack smiled at Rose. "Yeah. Thanks to, um..." "Terra." "Thanks, Terra. I'm Zack as you know. This is my girlfriend, Rose." He looked him over. "Yup. Definitely. Terra, you're exactly what I pictured a hero would be. Not the way you look... there's something else about you." Terra turned around. "Well, I'm no hero, trust me." "Terra..." "You kidding? Listen to those cheers, man. You don't get to decide if you're a hero or not. They do. And they've already made up their mind. Whether you like it or not, you're their hero." Zack punched his shoulder lightly. "And mine, too." He sighed, "it's too bad. I really wanted to fight you fair and square." Terra hit his shoulder back. "Maybe someday, Zack."

"Let's go, Terra." Momo smiled at him. He nodded then they walked off.

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