Update about my identity crisis

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So, I don't even know what this story is anymore but I loved being able to share the poem I wrote a few months ago, I still read the comments and it felt nice that people seemed to understand what I've been going through.
Not much has changed since then, but I'm a little less confused
Funny story, my friend irl that I didn't know would read the poem that follows me on here and she asked me about it the next day after I posted it. I was scared and a little embarrassed. She's amazing though and I love how understanding she is, even if she doesn't get it I know she cares. I just panicked because I wasn't ready to talk about it. I still have a hard time talking about it but guess what?? A little after that I confronted my friends and told them I wanna use all pronouns, including he and they actually use he/him pronouns for me sometimes . I even told a few people at school.  I really don't feel comfortable with being kept to a gender, if that changes then it changes but for now I'm trying my best to figure out myself. I still have time.
As of right now, I identify as genderfluid and I'm comfortable with that label. I've told some of my friends and they're okay with it. I even figured out a name, if you look at my profile it should say Kameron. That's my name and I like it alot. My name was different before, I never shared my real name on here  I actually just used my middle name.
Also one of my friends had an extra binder and gave it to me, so I use it when I feel more comfortable with it. It's like a race against time in the morning or at night taking it on and off. My mom NEVER knocks or anything she just walks into the room NO WARNING the good thing is I know her foot steps very well.  My mom and I have a good relationship and I love her and she accepts my sexuality. That's the thing, the reason I think I'm so afraid to figure out my gender, so afraid to not be a girl, because I don't want to hurt her. She just wouldn't understand the genderfluid thing. I love her so much and it breaks my heart because she has always wanted a girl.  I don't think I'll ever tell her, even though I may have to one day. It's not a big deal though? All that would change is I want a different name. She doesn't have to use other pronouns for me so would it be that hard? I don't want to know or find out. I think I need to get used to myself first before I tell alot of people. 

I'm happy with myself right now, I hope you can be happy too ❤️❤️

That's it for now, Be safe everyone  :) 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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