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It was break time and all students came rushing out of the classrooms, flooding the hallway and into the canteen.

I closed my locker after keeping my stuffs and was about to head to the canteen when suddenly I saw him- THE ARROGANT DOUCHE, walking with his two friends, Jake and Niki. They had their uniform tucked out and their ties not secured to the neck tightly. It was pretty clear they're the big rebels in school.

I turned to the other side instead of walking to the canteen and tried to avoid them.



I quickened my steps and continued walking straight.

"Lee Y/N!"

I turned behind and Jay was running towards me and I broke into cold sweat.

Thank goodness the ladies washroom was a few steps away and I rushed in and hid in a cubical. I gave a sigh of relief, but my heart beat could almost be heard. I just want to avoid that slut for as much I can. He always bring trouble to me.

I waited inside for about 5 minutes until I heard no noise outside. I slowly opened the cubical door and peeked outside of the washroom. There was no one. Phew.

I tiptoed my way out. Unfortunately, I haven't got any further when I sense someone coming towards me.

He, with great force, dragged me back into the ladies washroom and pinned me against the wall.

"UGHH PARK JONGSEONG WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I breathed in and out hard, nervously, because his eyes looking deeply into my eyes. I hoped he didn't have weird requests, once he told me to put a sanitary pad into a teacher's handbag, and threatened to blackmail me if I told anyone about it.

"Have you done the humanities homework to be passed up today?" He asked.

"Y-yes," I said, trying to appear bold but I was a little afraid of him. A LITTLE

"Let me copy it."

I stared at him, then I rolled my eyes.

"Really Jay? You chased me all the way just for homework answers? Since when have you ever cared about homework?" I said and folded my arms.

"Shut up and just give it to me. It's graded," he said.

"later," I replied and attempted to shove him away but he pinned me against the wall AGAIN.


"I want it now," he said.

"Too Bad," I replied. He blocked the door with both his arms stretched form one end to the other. Annoyed, I stepped on his foot, really hard. "Crazy bastard," I said and walked out.

"WATCH OUT LEE Y/N!" I heard him shout as I fastened my walking pace to the canteen.


The break time was over and I went back to the classroom. It was humanities lesson.

"Morning Class," Ms. Kim greeted us and we returned the greeting with a monotonous tone. "Seems like you guys are excited for today's lesson," she sarcastically pointed out, "Now everyone take out your homework assigned last week. I did remind you it's graded."

Everyone unzipped their bags and took out their completed piece of work. I turned behind and looked at Jay whom was 2 tables away diagonally on my right. He glared at me, and I smirked. Strangely he smirked back.

"WEIRD." I said.

I turned to my bag and unzipped it. I pulled out the piece of homework, completed with much hard work the night before.

However, to my horror, a lizard came along with the papers. I dropped the papers and screamed on the top of my lungs at the sight of one of the most disgusting creature I hated to see. I almost fell backwards on my chair, but luckily Heeseung catches me.

"You Okay?" Heeseung asked worriedly.

"Y-yep, thanks."

Everyone turned looking at me and heeseung, except Jay, who burst into laughter seeing me frightened over a lizard.

But then Heeseung took a closer look. "it didn't move." I realized that it was a fake lizard mad out of some rubber. I glared at JAY. "YOU!"

He was still laughing. I picked up the fake lizard to heeseung and threw it at Jay. "You did this didn't you?!"

His laughter faded off, perhaps offended by me throwing the fake lizard at his ugly face. "Yah, Lee Y/N," he stood up and walked towards me, trying to pick a fight.

"You two! what's going on?!" Ms. Kim stared at us. Everyone in the class became mute looking at the drama going on.

"Fighting again?!" She asked.

"She started it first," Jay pointed his finger at me.

"No! He put the fake lizard in my bag," I explained.

"I didn't do anything I was just-"

"You two, out of the classroom now! Hands raised."

Not again. This repeats for about 17th time I'm standing outside a teacher's class with my hands raised, with the crazy guy. I was starting to get worried that the teachers will take major disciplinary actions against me. I just couldn't control myself.

"I'm getting sick of this," I said and put my hands up.

"It's totally your fault," he said

"fuck you." I mumbled.


"nothing." I said

"Are you making fun of me?!"

"Just Stop talking, Slut." I smirked

"WHAT? YOU WANNA FIGHT?!" he said looking at me.

I had no more energy to argue, I kept quiet and continue standing there with my hands up.

Luckily her lesson was only for a short period. The bell rang and I gave my arms a good stretch.

"I should have put a real lizard in you bag just now," He said and nudged me.

"You wish." I said and rolled my eyes.

Ms. Kim went out of the classroom and we thought she was simply going to leave.

"You two, follow me to the office," she said.

"Oh, crap." Jay said

Me and Jay stared blankly for awhile, then we reluctantly followed her.

I looked down as we made our way to the office, following the clicking of her heels.

When the clicking stopped, I looked up at stared at the door labeled, 'Principal's Office'. I gulped. Ms. Kim knocked the door and turned the door knob. Then, she gave us an eye signal telling us to get in the office.

I sighed. I'm so doomed.

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