Chapter 20

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Jongin POV

We quickly approached Y/n and her parents. Luckily, no security guards tried to stop us, but I could tell people were confused by our sudden appearance.

"We don't want to hurt you," Y/n's mother said as we got closer, "but if it's to protect our daughter, we'll do anything."

Y/n startled awake at her mother's words. She looked confused and worried.

"Mom, who are those guys?"

My eyes widened, did she forget us or something?

"Don't worry about it sweetie," her father gave her a reassuring smile,"we'll take care of this."

Y/n nodded, but didn't look fully convinced.

I glanced back at the other guys. Everyone had a different emotion painted across their features, but sadness, anger, and fear were just among the few I saw.

"What did you do to her?!" Baekhyun growled.

"Just what had to be done," her mother answered.

"Mom, what's happening?"

Y/n looked scared. Her breathing was getting heavy and she was loosing color in her face. Was she having a panic attack?

"Honey calm down," her mother spoke softly.

"No, I don't understand what they're talking about, did you do something to me?"

"Honey I—."

Y/n cut her off, "because I've been feeling weird ever since we got here, like something's missing."

"You took her memories." I looked over at Chen in surprise, "that's what you did isn't it, so she wouldn't remember us."

"Is that what you did to me?!"

A dark aura loomed over the terminal, the source being Y/n. The other people immediately ran away, as if sensing the danger.

"Sweetie, we can—," her father was panicking, but Y/n cut him off.

"No! I don't want any more of your lies!"

"Well it seems we arrived right on time."

Minseok's POV

Junmyeon and I walked into the terminal and approached the group surrounding her. She was angry, too angry and it was time to end this.

"Well it seems we arrived right on time," I spoke causing everyone to stare at me.

"Aren't you the student teacher, what are you doing here?"

"We've come to eliminate the girl your all protecting," Junmyeon answered for me.

Junmyeon was right, in order to save ourselves and millions of other people. She had to go, but why did this seem unfair? She didn't ask for this, none of us did.

"How are you doing angel?" I asked looking over at Y/n.

She looked confused, which seemed to calm down the dark aura slightly.

"Who are you and how do you know about my wings?"

Wings? The prophecy never mentioned her having wings, just the ability to control death, whether it be preventing it or speeding up the dying process.

"That doesn't matter," Junmyeon rolled his eyes, "we need to end this quickly.

"We won't let you hurt our daughter CEO Kim," her father said as he prepared to fight.

The group of boys turned towards us with the same look of determination on their face. They were gonna protect the one person who could kill us all.

"Why are you fight against us and not with us?" Junmyeon spoke to the boys, "that girl you're protecting is doomed to kill each and everyone one of you."

"W-what are you talking about?" One of them asked, he looked afraid and unsure.

"Nine will come forth, but only one will survive," he recited, "that is the prophecy."

"How do you know about this?" A different boy gave us a skeptical look.

"My father had my future predicted at birth," they all looked confused," once he heard the prophecy, he ensure I would be prepared to the best of my ability."

"I'm not like that!" It was Y/n who spoke up now, "I wouldn't kill anyone, I don't remember them, but they feel important to me."

"You don't get to decide that."

She sent me a nasty glare, "I'm not gonna let some stupid prophecy decide my future, why are you?"

Why was I? I had only learned of this recently, before this I wanted to find my soulmate. But now, I was trying to kill her to save my own skin.

I stared at her. She was truly beautiful. How could something so angelic be a monster. I didn't believe it, but Junmyeon did.

A large gush of water sprayed towards the group. They didn't look worried, but they should be. Junmyeon had too many dangerous tricks up his sleeve.

Y/n glanced at Junmyeon in confusion, but she seemed to put two and two together.

"Guys, move this water isn't safe! Somethings wrong with it!"

They looked confused but they all tried their best to move out of the way, but several still got hit.

"Smart girl," Junmyeon drawled, "but not smart enough."

He launched another attack, but a large gush of wind forced the water back in our direction. I stared at the boy who did it. He had some bandages on him, but he looked strong. A formidable opponent.

"You're not the only one with powers you know," the kid had a cocky grin on his face, "so you better bring it all you've got, it is 10 vs 2."

People I assumed to be Y/n's parents, nodded in agreement. They were joining forces to protect Y/n.

"I was hoping you'd say that," Junmyeon looked over at my motionless form, "but I've got a strong ally."

I gulped. I had lost my motivation to fight against her. I didn't see why she had to be killed. She just needed to be kept in check. We just needed to avoid the prophecy.

"I can't help you."

"What do you mean?" He turned to me, anger and confusion evident on his features.

"I can't fight her, she's innocent," I spoke softly.

"Maybe now, but she's destined to be a murderer!" He was getting angry now, but I ignored it.

"What if you interpreted the prophecy wrong?" I questioned, "what if it just means that only one of us gets to be her true soulmate."

"The word survive insinuates a life or death situation, someone picking their boyfriend isn't life or death!"

"So..." I said, "prophecies are meant to be deceiving and confusing."

"That is the only part that makes sense!" He growled, "I need to survive and if you won't help me, I'll do it myself!"

"Well then it seems you're alone in this battle," I said as I walked over to the group.

"No, he's not alone, I have backup coming ahortly to help ensure the girl doesn't make it out of here alive."

Yay, I've already made another chapter. I hope you guys enjoy it and please vote and comment 💜💜

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