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" You knew it Albus , you knew it perfectly well from the first day , I told you and you didn't believe me "

" Minerva , I know you find yourself very obfuscated , but the boy will have to cope  with it , I know the way he is treated is not exactly pure love , but it is his home "

"Albus Dumbledore! Are you out of your mind? If his chronic condition went untreated and he was verbally and physically abused , I don't understand what you want me to do with Potter . He's not going back to that house !"

" Minerva Mcgonagall , I consider you my esteemed and faithful friend , but if you interfere with the safety , of who we could consider as the savior of the magical world , I regret to inform you that I will have to take action "

" I am not afraid of you Albus and at this instant I am telling you as head of house , that Harry is not going back to the Dursleys "

"And who do you plan to leave him with for the summer? I can't take over him  , I have things to sort out with certain voldemort things , all the proffessor  will be going on vacation , even Poppy is trying to break up with Harry to go and see her cousins "

" You know perfectly well that Severus is going to stay ! In fact , he should already know that the boy is his son ."

" No Minerva , yes , it is true I have been considering such a thing , but .... I need to talk to Severus first , having a child could affect his performance as a Death Eater and could leave the order exposed "

" Albus , I give you this week to figure out the way , otherwise , I will be under the painful obligation to inform Severus "

" You wouldn't do it Minerva "

" You don't know what I am capable of "


Nursing :

" Harry ! I thought you had died "

"Ron, Hermione! I missed you so much "

" Oh Harry we brought you some chocolate frogs and Fred and George sent you some Zonko pranks " 

" Thank you Ron , I hope you guys are well . I woke up and didn't see you guys "

" That's because you've been here for over a week and we left after two days . Mcgonagall wants to kill us !"

" I don't think she will , in the end , we were able to rescue the stone and according to Professor Dumbledore it will be destroyed "

" Well friend , today is the last day , I know you do not know when you will be released from here , but we will save a seat for you on the train , it leaves at 5 , do not forget "

" In fact , I have my clothes here and Madam Pomfrey said I could leave today , but I had to wait for what the professors  say about it "

" Alright mate , we can meet up later "

" Bye Harry , I hope you enjoy your potions book on your vacations "

" Thank you Hermione , that's very kind of you "

"Bye Harry.

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