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In the bus YOONGI and YN were sitting together

No one knows about the dating till now

YOONGI: should we tell everyone?

Y/N: no not now

YOONGI: why not.?

Y/N: oppa will kill me if he knows I am dating

YOONGI: no I don't think so

Y/N: then we can tell them after a while


JHOPE: what are you too talking about?

Y/N: nothing

RM: where is PINKY?

Y/N: MR. LEE called her to sit with him
Because he have something to discuss with her

JIMIN: why?

Y/N: because she is the leader of her class

JIMIN: make sense

JIN: but I am feeling something weird

Y/N: about what?


JK: about me what is it?

JIN: perhaps you have a crush on PINKY?

All was shocked by JIN's words

JK: WHAT!!! n-no what made you think like that?

JIN: of course isn't that obvious Whenever PINKY is around I caught JUNGKOOK staring at her didn't you guys notice he was talking less?

TAE: ya that's true

JIN: and whenever PINKY is talking to him he is shy

JIMIN: ya I noticed that but I ignored it

MIA: there is no way he is in love with her *jealous*

JIN: girl what is your problem huh?

MIA: why are you talking to me like that

JIMIN: and why are you angry because of PINKY

Do you like JUNGKOOK?

MIA: no what are you talking about
I was angry because you guys are assuming that JK like that stupid girl
It makes him uncomfortable

JIMIN: how do you know that he doesn't like her

MIA: because I am his best friend

TAE: oh really then let's hear that from

MIA: ok

TAE: JUNGKOOK do you like PINKY?

JK: ....t..hat...

TAE: tell fast

JK: yes

MIA: *shocked* what

JIMIN: heard that

MIA: JUNGKOOK are you telling the truth?

JK: I like her-

MIA: how can you fell in love with someone who you met 2 days ago

JK: I liked her many days before

YOONGI: so she is the crush you were talking about

JK: hyung I told you not to say

Y/N: you knew it?*

YOONGI: I knew he have a crush but he never told her name

TAE: ohhhh baby koo is growing up*teasing*

JUNGKOOK *blushing*

Y/N: Omo oppa Is blushing *cute*

PINKY: what are you guys talking about


MR.LEE:why are you all screaming

YOONGI: nothing sir just a cockroach

Y/N: PINKY how dare you scare me

PINKY: oops sorry but I did nothing tho


JK: you old man shut up

JK: YN where is PINKY

JIN: someone misses his crush

JIN: do you think you are young forever and how can you call me old in front my handsome face

JK: only, you think it is handsome

JIN: YN tell me my face is handsome or not

Y/N: of course it is so handsome

YOONGI: *jealous*

JK: ok whatever but still I didn't saw her today

Y/N: she told she is tired after the trip so she on leave today

JK: oh and I forgot to tell today I am going to a sleepover YOONGI hyung can you stay with YN if you can

YOONGI: ok *happy inside*

JIMIN: why are you so cold If you don't want I can go

YOONGI: no need I will go


Y/N: YOONGI what happened you didn't even talk to me

YOONGI: think about what you did

Y/N: I did something? I don't remember anything

YOONGI: you don't remember?

Y/N: nope

YOONGI: you call JIN handsome

Y/N: oh wait are you jealous?


Y/N: wow you are so straight

YOONGI: of course you are my girlfriend I should be straight

Y/N: ok now tell what can I do to make you happy

YOONGI: what will you do?

Y/N: anything

YOONGI: ...let me think..

Y/N: fast I am hungry

YOONGI: ok I got it

Y/N: what is it?

YOONGI: a kiss


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