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I walk home with pretzel and immediately get on my phone to text grape.

"I live at 1234 west living room st."
I text him.

"Hey we live on the same street! I could walk to your house"
He texted me back.

"Lol yea, I walked to yours"
I text him back.

"I'll be there in a second,"

I text back.

3 minutes later I find him ringing my door bell.

As I walk down stairs I remember I forgot to tell my mom...

"Hi... Is there something you need?" My mom says politely.

"Oh I'm Sean... You must be mrs. Kent. Hi." Sean says.

"Oh I'm sorry, hi. You must be here to see, Maddy.

"I'm right here!" I say as I move next to my mom.

"Mom this is Sean, sean, this is my mom. So we are going out to lunch, is that ok?" I ask her.

"Uhh yea sure. Alright bye sweetie."
She says.

"Ok bye!" U say as I walk out the door with grape.

"Hey I might accidentally call you grape sometimes.. Is that ok?" I ask him awkwardly.

"Yea sure! I'm used to it and it doesn't bother me at all! It's fine maddy, can I call you mad for extra short?"

"Ha ha sure grape, what ever you like." I say as I jump in his car.

He starts the car and asks me where we should go for lunch.

"Well there's a Wendy's on drama blv. Or there's an out back on Sydney's st."
I inform him.

"Well let's go to the out back then, that place had never seemed to fail me." He says as he smiles.

"So is this like a date..?" I ask him with as I laugh.

"You know what, why not, a very unprepared, quickly planed, fun date." He says smiling.

Then my stomach drops. I thought he would say no, but I guess not. Well just breathe and umm pretend it's not a date. Just relax, chill out, and pretend your at the park with him.

"Punch buggie!" As he playfully punches me.

"Hey two hands on the wheel mister!" I say as I laugh.

Then we stop at the next red light and he starts tickling me.

"STOPP!!" I say laughing my heart out.

"Wait.. GREEN MEANS GOOOO!" I say as I push him off me.

A couple minutes later, just talking about the weather. We pull into the parking lot.

"Race you there!" He shouts.

"Wait aren't you supposed to open the door for me like a good gentle man?!" I yell.

"Nope!" He shouts running to the door.

I get out of the car and start running to the door. He beats me to the door and opens the front door for me.

"Why thank you." I say very sarcastically.

"No problem mate,"

We walk in the restaurant.

"Table for two?" A girl who seems a little older than us asks.

"Yep." Grape replies.

She leads us to a table and gives two menus. We say thank you and begin to talk.

"So do you play minecraft?" He asks me.

"Yea, I do." I say smiling.

"I'm not the best pvp-er but I'll say I'm an ok builder.. Well better than my boi Graser10!" I say laughing.

"Ha ha, that's cool, we'll have to play together sometimes."

"Yea that would he great!" I say as my eyes light up. I realize the possibility of playing with other cube members! That would be so much fun! But what if grape forgets about me.. I don't think that will happen. I look up from my menu and smile at him.

The girl comes back and asked us what we want to drink.

"A pink lemonade please." I say.

"A doctor pepper please." He says.

"I will be right back and take your Oder." She says smiling.

Hello everyone! So I recently just hit 500 on my cube Instagram. If you want to follow me I'm
I hope the new style of paragraphing didn't bother you. I hope your enjoying the story! Sorry I didn't finish the lunch date I will in the next part, I'm watching Devon rn and I just want to relax. But anyway, don't forget to comment telling me a should update the story more or longer parts or even if your enjoying the story! Thanks!


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