Chapter 25

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Six months had passed and today was Andy's last mandatory consultation with the psychologist before she could officially get back to work- "How are you with this reality knocking on your door, Andrea?"  -Diane knew the whole history of Andy and didn't want to force her to face a reality that wasn't ready yet.

"You know you can call me Andy... if you asked me a while ago I'd say I was fine to do my job, but it took too many bumps at once and I found myself facing a cliff, being hindered only by my baby. I don't want you to misunderstand me, I love my husband, but at some point it just didn't seem to be enough... it took me a while to figure it out and when it happened, I knew that if something happened to my son I would be I was lost. And I was lost. My father and son were taken from me so abruptly and practically at the same time... I thought the cliff was my only chance, only there were people out here who needed me and I couldn't stay locked inside my room ignoring the existence of everything. Maybe I was selfish for thinking that Robert with me wouldn't be enough."  -Andy smiled to herself as he thought of him- "Today I'm pretty sure that if it wasn't for him with me, I'd still be lying in pain on my bed. I've had my grief for a long time and now I'm ready to go back."  -She would not have achieved this without the daily visits, without her friends, without her father and son giving her strength, even absent, and mainly, without Robert... she owed everything to him.

"So are you ready to run into the fire knowingly?"

"Now the fire will need to run from me, Diane. I've been through a hell no one can imagine. I had to learn to force-swim through this sea of ​​suffering and now I feel more ready than I ever was."  -Andy Herrera was back, stronger than ever.

"That's good. I'm really happy to see your psychological health recovering. I'll release you from the appointments but if you feel you need to come back, I'll be here at your disposal."


Andy opened the front door to find Robert in the kitchen preparing lunch- "Hey, honey."  -she said as she wrapped an arm around his waist and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Hey! How was it there?"

"All great…maybe better than I imagined. I have two news."  -Andy was more excited than she wanted to show- "I've been released from therapy. I'll just have to go back if I feel the need to talk to a professional.."

"But that's great. But... what about the other news?"

The other is that... I'm going back to fighting."

Robert's eyes widened at the news- "Andy... This is just perfect!"  -he dropped whatever he was doing and grabbed his wife in a hug, twirling her around in the air- "We were right back there not having carried out your resignation. I'm really, really happy with your evolution. Even more so. proud of the strong woman you have become with each passing day."  -He spoke while both kept their gaze fixed on each other.

"You undo me..." -her eyes were glazed over.  No tears flowed but the words Robert used to her were really important.

"Do you think I can take a few shifts just in the aid car? I need to be sure of one thing."  -and she went back into her secret business again.

"This time I'll be able to know what you're up to?"

"I'm still not allowed to tell you this, you know I would if I could."  -She was so excited working on this project that Robert would accept anything that put a smile on that woman's face.

"Okay...just don't disappear again like last night. I was worried, Andy..." -the night before, Robert woke up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water and found the bed empty.  He thought his wife was in the room where he kept Pruitt's things, like every day.  He surprisingly found the room empty, as did everyone else.  He picked up his cell phone only to find that every call went through his voicemail.  Robert waited for her for hours.  When she got home at 4 am, she just said that she had gone for a run.  Later that day, she confessed that she had been called to a meeting.

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