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I traveled to Greenshade then to Summerset with little to no problems. Most people didn't bother me, nor did I bother them. I learned that if I kept to myself, most people left me alone. That worked just fine for me.

I start walking up the grand steps in Shimmerene to the palace there when I see a Khajiit with a red Mohawk leaning against a wall. He was watching me as I approached the place doors.

"This one has never seen a Black Prior here. He would ask if you were the one murdering innocents, but it's clear you're not. That one is a woman." He says, as I approach him.

"No, I am not Erzebet." I say. "I have matters I need to discus with Queen Ayrenn. I don't have time to talk." I keep walking past him, towards the castle doors.

"Raz is the Queen's eyes. He watches the city for her. You are new here. This one has every right to know your business." I shrug.

"If you can get me a meeting with the queen, then I'll tell you anything you want to know. Just give me your word that I can meet with the queen." The Khajiit nods.

"This one thinks that's fair. He'll ask a few questions then let the queen know you wish to speak to her. If she doesn't accept, don't blame this one. He tried his best." I nod. "Raz's first question is what is a Black Prior doing in Summerset?"

"I wish to speak to your queen. I have traveled from the fortress of the Black Priors to discus the problem with Erzebet. I'm guessing she's the reason everyone is beginning to dislike the Black Priors. We have kept you safe, but the one bad seed can make us all seem bad as well, I suppose." Raz looks at his claws as he thinks.

"This one doesn't think all Black Priors are bad. He understands that Erzebet is doing things no other Black Prior has done. It's as if she's dressed like you, but not really one of you." I nod.

"She was once a leader of the Black Priors. Only briefly, before she left, and disappeared for sixteen years. Suddenly she's resurfaced and is now on a rampage. We have nothing to do with her actions."

"Raz expected this. He didn't believe the Black Priors will have a part in these heinous acts. He is relieved by this." Raz and I make it to the castle doors. "Follow this one, and he'll take you to see the queen." I don't say anything, but follow the Khajiit into the palace. We go down a few hallways then enter and over elaborate room. It was decorated with the yellows and whites of the Aldmeri Dominion. I had not thoughts about the alliance wars happening. I only wished to settle the Erzebet problem, then return to the Black Prior fortress.

We walk further into the room, and a throne is revealed. Upon it sits the young and beautiful Queen Ayrenn. Raz and I bow before her, then stand up straight again. I was bowing out of respect. Queen Ayrenn wasn't my queen, but she didn't do anything to deserve any disrespect from me.

"Razum-dar." She says. "Why have you brought a Black Prior into my castle?" The Queen seemed to dislike my people already. Must've been because of Erzebet. "Did you not hear about them murdering innocents?"

"Your Majesty, this one wouldn't be your eyes if you didn't trust him. This Black Prior means no harm. It is a woman named Erzebet who is murdering your people." Razum-dar says respectfully. "He wishes to discus something with you about this woman."

"I suppose you're correct, Raz." She turns her attention to me. "Raz says you mean no harm, but if you were to make a move, Zyllebal here will protect me at all costs. She's one of the greatest fighters Tamriel has seen, so think twice before you think about harming me."

I look next to Queen Ayrenn to see a woman with an inferno staff. She has a Mohawk which makes her look even more ready for battle then she already did. "If you're threatening me, there is no need." I say calmly. "I doubt this woman can beat me in a battle, but I'd rather not find out. I came here to talk, not start a war."

"Fair." Queen Ayrenn says. "What do you propose... what's your name?"

"I am Vortiger." I reply, and the queen nods. "Erzebet cannot be killed by your people. I can't even kill her. She's has been cursed by the Daedric Prince Sheogorath, thus she has abilities beyond that of a mortal. I can stop her momentarily and capture her. Her punishment can be up to you, for she has committed crimes against your citizens."

"So, what is it that you want, Vortiger?" Queen Ayrenn says skeptically. "A Black Prior wouldn't come all the way here to do a favor for me out of the blue. It is not like your leader to send one of you all the way out here to simply capture a troublesome woman."

I nodded. "I would have left this to you, but Erzebet used to be a leader of the Black Priors along side I. I know your people cannot stop her, that's why I have stepped in to help. I know her better then anyone." I leave out Mercer. He probably knows Erzebet better then me.

"Oh?" Queen Ayrenn shifts on her throne. "So you're the the leader of the Black Priors? How come no one has heard of you?"

"My name is only spoken amongst the Black Priors, even then, I stay in the fortress. I came out here to stop Erzebet, and after then, I will return to the fortress." I say.

"Okay. I will hold you on your word to bring Erzebet back here where she can't hurt anyone. Tell me what your plan is and what resources you need." I had already thought of how to stop her, but Queen Ayrenn's resources would make it a whole lot easier.

"Once we find where she is currently hiding, I'll need a group to stay outside and prepare transport for her. I'll bring her out unconscious, we'll then need to tie her up before she wakes up." Queen Ayrenn nods. "You can take her from there, and I'll return to the Black Prior Fortress."

"That is a better plan then many." She pauses. "As long as you don't get yourself killed. Take Zyllebal with you, and Razum-dar will lead a group to help you." I nod, bow again and turn to leave.

I hear Zyllebal run up behind me. "Queen Ayrenn normally doesn't send me off. I've been here since Molag Bal's invasion. It's nice to get out of the palace." I don't say a word, and keep walking.

Curse's Vendetta: Mad God's Curse Where stories live. Discover now