20| MJ, Europe and Chaos.

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"So, how's MJ" I asked Peter

"What? MJ? Why would you ask me about her?" He asked panicking

"I met her last time, we were friends." I said.

"Oh right" He said relaxing.

"You are horrible at hiding things you know?" I said sitting next to him

"I never had a chance did I?" He said sighing.

"Spill" I said.

Okay yes, I do know his romantic plan about the Dahlia and the Eiffel tower and everything, but its nice when Peter is explaining about something he likes or enjoys.

"Okay, yes I really like her! She's awesome and she's super funny in a kinda dark way. And sometimes I catch her looking at me so.." He said shyly

"Awww. That's great!" I said

Peter looked like he was thinking something. He took a deep breathe and then spoke.

"So we are going to a trip to Europe, and I had a plan" Peter said


"So first, I'm ganna sit next to MJ on the flight, second I'm going to watch movies with her for the whole flight. Then when we go to Venice, Venice is known for making things from glass right? So I'm going to buy her a Black Dahlia necklace because its her favorite flower because of The Murder. Four, when we are in Paris, I'm going to take her to the top of the Eiffel tower and give her the flower. And then I'll tell her how I feel. and six, hopefully she feels the same way." Peter said.

"That sounds really romantic Peter, I'm sure she will love it" I said assuring him.

"Thank you" He said

"Oh by the way, make sure you don't use allergies for any excuse" I said


Peter had left for Europe. Tony made Peter promise that he would call him as soon as he reached. He made him check if he had all of his stuff and he also secretly told May to put his suit. We all love worried Irondad.

Pietro sat down next to me with a box of donuts.

"Things are so silent without Peter and Shuri around." He said.

Loki came out of nowhere and took a donut.

"Geez" I said talking a donut too.

"What if we go and check on him?" Loki asked

"That's a great idea!" Pietro said

"Do you mean you want to spy on him?" I said raising my eyebrows.

"What? Nooo of course not" Loki said.

"Ya, absolutely not. He is on a romantic holiday and I will not let you guys ruin it." I said

"Right, he had this full plan to tell the girl about his feelings." Pietro said.

"Do you know her?" Loki asked

"MJ? Yup, she's cool, in a dark way." I said quoting Peter

"What's this about Peter's lover?" Nat said.

"OH MY GOSH" all three of said jumping.

"Where do you come from?!" Pietro asked

"I was here the whole time" She said

"Gosh Inej" I said "There is this girl called MJ, he likes her and has this whole romantic way to tell her that." I said

"How did I not hear about this!" Nat said "Spider's gotta look after spiders" She said

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