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Affiliation with the Leal Community is just a few steps away!


Complete these rules and regulations once your affiliation has been accepted!

Follow our community TheLealCommunity and follow the founder Heuristic_Hashmath if you want us to return the same favour too.
(NOTE: We only follow your community and 1 founder of your community to equalize the situation here!)

Give us a proper shoutout with a neat caption by tagging our community and our Hiring Book so we can check.

Add our Community's Hiring Book to your affiliate Reading List. 
(NOTE: We in return can only add your community's Hiring Book or Affiliation Book only in our Reading List as we do not wish to bulk up our lists with all books from all the communities.
Plus, writers come looking for the Hiring Books too, so a reading list with only those books can make the job easier for them!)

Mention us in your Affiliations Book (if you have created one or else in your bio).

PM us your community's name and bio/description for us to include your community in our affiliations book.


Congratulations! You are already there.

Make sure you also follow these regulations in order to be a continuing and persistent affiliate of the Leal Community:


You must be willing to shoutout our upcoming community projects whenever we inform you to promote any. (2 shoutouts per week and we will follow as the same).

Make sure to be an active Wattpad community. Affiliation with the Leal Community will be withdrawn if we find out you have been inactive for more than 2 months.

Avoid hatred and unnecessary discrimination with our community and our members, and we will respect your boundaries as well!
Any sort of accusations or criticism must be discussed through the community's PMs to come to a resolution.

Our community is not one that steals creativity from other accounts, even though we should include ideas from any other community, we are have always been obliged to give the respective credit!
Make sure you give us credit for any ideas you follow from our community as well. On finding out any plagiarism will result your affiliation with this community being withdrawn and your community being blocked.

◊ (Optional) If we were to approach your community for any projects to do together as communities, we appreciate if you accept the proposal and work together with us. 
Should you approach us for collaborated events, we too would be glad to consider working together with you! :)


That's it! These are all the terms you need to follow for a successful affiliation. Make sure to follow them and we will gladly fulfill your terms too.

NOTE: Following the rules and filling the form by any means does not guarantee we will accept all affiliations!

(The Leal Community has the right to terminate affiliation with any community that breaches or fails to adhere to the aforementioned rules and regulations.)

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