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Sylva Via Fleuret
M. E. 744

I had taken the children to the arboretum. I pushed the young Prince Noctis around allowing him to see the flowers and trees growing here. The wheelchair a necessity for the time being. The young prince was healing from injuries sustained at the hands of daemons. My children were standing nearby when we saw the warships descend on us, as Niflheim's army began to attack. I turned to push the children out of danger knowing it would be at the cost of my own life! When suddenly everything stopped the only sounds were of my citizens. The sounds the soldiers made gone silent. When I dared to look, all stood frozen in a wall of ice around them. Then just as fast they shattered as if made of glass. Nothing but dust remaining in proof of their existence. It was then my guards and Lucis's glaive saw them. A child no older than ten their eyes a glowing indigo, their hand outstretched. They collapsed to the ground whatever they had done had taken all of the strength from them. I went to them, my mothering instinct taking over at seeing a child helpless and hurt. When Regis came and gathered them into his arms. "What an amazing child. Are they still alive Regis?" "Yes, but unconscious. Seems they're uninjured, just whatever those powers are took everything out of them. I've never seen anything like that before even with the power of the Kings." He was right somehow this child's power could rival a God's.

When things settled we went to check on the child to see how they were fairing. We found the hospital staff in a frenzy. What could be happening here. When the security approached us. "Forgive us your Majesties, but the child is missing. It's as if she disappeared into thin air, all her things as well as her were just gone as well. The doctors and the nurses have more information about her then myself. I will continue the search for her, but I doubt we'll find any trace of her." We located the doctors in question, and let them explain what they knew. "She was perfect your highness as if she was designed that way. We were able to run a couple of medical scans and it's unexplainable. She carries Lucis Caelum blood, and a hidden lineage that's never been recorded even in the Astrals. That is where the prefect comes from she shows signs of all the astrals, but her's is a unique blend of them where it doesn't match actually them at all." "Your Majesties her clothes, which usually have a designer's label they had nothing. Including her shoes which show great craftsmanship, it's as if they were created for her alone." We took in stride that the child was a girl confirmed by the doctors who cared for her "We need to find this child at all cost Sylva she will be needed by the world when the time comes." I knew Regis was right, but if she could disappear into thin air it would be hard. It was then my son who accompanied us said, "Could she have escape through the vents? There's one in her room, I only remember because this was Prince Noctis's room when he was here." Sure enough when the vent was opened, little footprints were visible in the dust where she walked through. Security found her little hospital gown in the furnace room, where that particular vent lead. When security exited the hospital they reported they could see the print of her shoes in the muddy ground. We left the guards to follow her trail. They found nothing in those first weeks, but she began leaving behind signs. Whole towns and villages were freed from imperial and daemon holds with people returning after months of absence, some years. The lands itself couldn't support the MT's anymore, and if daemons got close something happened to them. Which the people wouldn't elaborate on, or even explain feigning ignorance to our questions.

Regis Lucis Caelum

We've been searching for the child for months now, and the only signs are of the daemons disappearing from areas. Also people who have been missing are returning to their families and loved ones. I knew what was happening but how was it this little girl. The bigger question was, if what she was doing was changing the prophecy involving my son. When the Niflheim's forces began to disappear too, freeing the lands they had once taken over. One evening someone spoke of a special light that protected all who found it. "The light it purifies daemons. If the people who were possessed are still there inside, it restores them to who they were letting them go home." I found myself wondering about this light, where could it have come from. Perhaps the child was responsible, we needed to locate her as quickly as possible.

Six months later I received word of a child who fit her description in an orphanage here in Insomnia. We made our way there quickly it was early evening when we greeted the matron. "Oh your Majesty what do we owe the privilege of your visit this evening?" "A child in your care maybe someone the house of Fleuret and the house of Caelum have been searching for. I would like to see the girls if at all possible." "Of course your highness. The children are getting ready for bed, so they are in their pajamas. If you don't mind them being informal, I can have them brought down right away." "Please do." I watched as the sleepy girls came down in a standard pajama set of pants and matching shirts all the same. I noticed her then a girl that could be the child in question, but her hair was different. In truth this child looked very much a girl. Whereas the one time I had seen her she could have been either gender. It was only confirmed when the doctors said she and not he. "The child on the end what is your name?" "Forgive me your Majesty but she doesn't speak hasn't since she came to us three months ago. Her name is Thea, she's almost ten years old she was found living rough in a old wearhouse. We've tried everything to get her to speak but nothing has worked yet." "Get her dressed, I'll take her with me." While I wasn't positive that she was or wasn't the child in question I wasn't about to take a chance on being wrong either way. When the child was brought to me she was dressed in a simple blouse and skirt. She carried a small bag which probably had the rest of her possessions inside. She sat in the backseat of the car as I returned to the citadel, completely quiet. I had called ahead to ensure a room had been prepared for her arrival. One high enough from the ground floor with no buttonholes to escape from. Weeks pass with the girl in my home, and nothing happens. Until one evening reports come in saying the child was spotted in Altissa healing people like the Oracle does, but not just the people. The daemons disappeared as soon as she showed up. So I have the wrong child I would have her return to the orphanage by the end of the day. "Dad? Where's Thea, she not in her room or anywhere else in the citadel." "She went home Noctis." "But she's from the orphanage why did she go back?, She doesn't have a family and we could keep her, we could be her family!" My son wanted her to be apart of our family. "Let me think about it, Noctis. It might be better for her to be apart of some other family, since she would have no true standing in ours son. You are a prince, I'm the king and well even if she became your sister she wouldn't become a princess." He replied telling me that she wouldn't care about titles. She was nice to him, and even though she didn't speak they still found a way to play and communicate. "She'll be home by dinner time tonight son. Go study, and I'll go myself to get your sister."

When I entered the orphanage that afternoon, I could see our security forces in the lobby. I could overhear their conversation that a child had gone missing. The very child I came to pick up, when the matron saw me realizing I had come for Thea. She apologized to me that she was missing. "I'm sorry your Majesty when she returned the other children were cruel and teased her about being returned, and that even the King didn't want her. She went to her room, and I made the mistake of not checking on her until lunchtime. She must of run away, again! I'm sorry when we find her I'll be in touch." When I returned home without her I feared Noctis's reaction, but he took it in stride. Asking if I would continue to search for her and bring Thea home to live with us. Days later it was revealed that the child in Altissa was a hoax, the people were pretending that she was there under the orders of Niflheim. Weeks after the hoax's a photo came to me of the child in question. It was her, and it wasn't her she looked different again. But her little face was the same, she looked like a carbon copy of myself and Noctis. Only with the softness that came from being a girl. The soft yellow light that was radiating from her body as she touched an iron giant daemon. The photos showed exactly what was happening. The giant melted away leaving a young man behind. She was healing  the daemons, retuning the ones who can be returned, and putting the others out of their misery.

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