Chapter 1~

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"Would you like a menu miss?" A young waitor asked the equally juvenile woman sitting at the table, who bit her lip nervously as she pondered exactly how this deal was going to go down.

She wasn't a real estate agent, she was a college student, simply trying to finish senior year and then go off to law school, which is why she even agreed to the sale in the first place.

Y/n needed money. Her father had loads but unfortunately died many years ago and left it to y/n's step mother.

As cliche as it is, the woman was evil and treated y/n as a slave, which is why y/n had to make this sale so she could finally be free of the evil woman.

The deal was, she sells the property for 3.7Million, she pockets two thirds and her step mom gets the rest.

With the money she would be able to pay off all her debts, pay for law school and then find herself a place and open up her own firm.

She had it all planned out, unfortunately it was all dependent on this deal.

y/n had arrived an hour early just to be safe, she wanted the upper hand on this deal, but she was nervous. Anyone could see how jittery she was, especially the three men who had be watching her from across the room the entire time.

They were the men she was meeting.

Jeon jungkook was a powerful man, that's about all she knew about him asides from being told that he was extremely attractive and was the buyer for her father's land.

She was so nervous that she had not noticed that Jeon, as he was called, and his men had been watching her the whole time, and he had been so fixated on the brunette beauty he hadn't realized that Taehyung noticed how he never took his eyes off of her.

Taehyung had been in the business a long time now, he watched jungkook grow into the man he was today and he knew what was to come of his bossed if he let himself fall for the small girl across the room.

Right on time the men got up, and approached the girl. She bit her lip from nerves and cautiously looked up at the three tall figures in suits before her.

"Julie I presume?" The best looking of the three asked holding out his hand.

"No, my name is Y/n I'm her step daughter."

"I was told I was meeting with Julie." The man said withdrawing his hand from in front of her.

"Well, Mr jeon... I can make a call?" She asked standing up.

He smiled he liked that even standing he had over a foot on her, he thought it was 'cute.'

"On second thought, its okay. Just show us the location." she nodded before standing and heading for the exit.

Taehyung frowned, jungkook was already not thinking straight, and he had just met the woman.

If it was a man who had not shown up and given his responsibility to some poor sap that sap should have a finger cut off to send a message about wasting jungkook's time and yet there they were about to make a deal with the nervous little girl, who was not Julie.

The men followed the petite woman out of the establishment, all the while jungkook watched as her hips swayed as she walked, an action that did not go unnoticed by a frowning Taehyung already knew where this was going.

Jungkook did not love, that's what they all said but Taehyung knew that was not true.

Jungkook loved very rarely but when he did fall he fell hard and there was just something about the way jungkook was looking at this girl that had Taehyung worried that he was already falling.

"Miss, we will be taking my car." Jungkook insisted placing his hand on the small of her back.

"N-no.I-" she stammered uncomfortable under his touch, he smiled again, he liked her innocence.

Y/n frowned to herself. Why was she a stuttering mess right now? She was usually Ms. confident but not with jungkook, he unraveled her. She took a second to control herself, before stepping out of his grasp.

"With all do respect sir, I am not comfortable getting into a car with three strangers, if you wouldn't mind I will drive myself?"

Jungkook, there was a smile threatening to spread across his lips that wasn't noticed by y/n but was by Taehyung. It made Jungkook happy that she was confident enough to say no to him. He liked it but wondered if she would be able to resist the same way when he got her into the sheets.

They arrived at the location, Jungkook a second to breath before meeting the men in front of the building. They took the tour and then went to give her the money which she counted cautiously, she was very good with money and was shocked to see that the money came up short.

"What kind of scam are you men pulling?" She asked looking up at him.

Y/n was angry. She needed that money and she didn't want to spend anymore time than she had to with these men. All of the nervousness she had felt before was gone, now she was just annoyed.

"This property is worth at least four million you are getting a deal, yet you try to cheat me out of what I am owed. Thanks for wasting my time I am leaving."

She huffs before slamming the case shut and storming off.

"Hey. Wait!" Jungkook called after her, but she kept going.

"Hey." He said again before running after her. Jeon jungkook was chasing a woman? That had never happened before.

Just as she made it to her car he grabbed her arm spinning her around and pressed his body against hers pinnig her between the car and his body.

"Never. Turn. your back. On me." He sort of whispers in a way that make Y/n squirm

"your step mother told me two million. That's what I was told that's what I brought."

"Well obviously something got lost in translation because I was told I was selling this for 3.7 mil."

"Listen I need this place, for my next business venture, let me make some calls, get a new estimate and check it all out. And I will see what I can do. Will you be in town for long?"

"No I just came to take my percent and move on with my life, but now I guess I'll have to stay."

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience, however, I'll make you a deal, your hotel room, will be on me."

Then he gave her a card with a hotel name and number on it before heading back to his men. She sighed and headed off in the direction of the hotel.

This did not go as planned. But everyone was right, Jeon jungkook was extremely attractive.

At well over six foot, thick dark hair, and lean muscles body and that black suit that fit him well...

Y/n shook her head. Don't get distracted she thought to herself as she pushed the image of out of her head.


(This is my first fanfic, please do support 😇💜)

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