Chapter 7~

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"You did what!?" Jungkook roared inraged. Soohyunwas startled, his Son had never spoken to him in such a tone.

"I did what I had to son. I did what was-" "shut your mouth, before I crack you in the jaw old man." Jungkook growled out through gritted teeth

He had just found out that the initial hit put out on Y/n was his father's doing. His father, a man who had just become dead to him.

"Out of my sight. If you ever as much as say her name in a negative way, I will kill you myself. " Jungkook spat before ushering his father out of the door.

He didn't care to hear his fathers explanation. He was livid, if his father had trusted him none of this would have happened .

Y/n would be long gone and safe. It was ironic, if his father would've trusted him, he would've never seen Y/n again, but now he made it his mission to keep her safe.

The first thing Jungkook was scavenge for Y/n. She was curled into a ball, wrapped up in a bundle of blankets when he found her. He swooped down beside her and craddled her body.

Y/n had been feeling funny. She was oddly happy given her current circumstance but she knew she should be. She wanted to relax and just enjoy the time away from her evil step mother but she was now being help prisoner by  the mafia. 

She was feeling lethargic perhaps she was suffering depression so she spent most of her time locked in that room sleeping.

Jungkook noticed her depressed state and wanted to help her but he didn't know how. He himself was stressed. He just wanted to love this woman but he was so wrapped up in saving her he barley had the time to give her the attention she needed.

She shifted slightly, before turning to face him. "Hi." She murmured. "Hi beautiful." He sighed before knealing down to lie beside her. The two lay together him holding her tightly just enjoying each others company, until there was a knock on the door. A mobs boss's job is never done.

Jungkook was getting tired of this life. Being the boss is not easy. He sort of understood why his fathered was such a hardened man but he still resented him for what he did.

Spending time with Y/n made him think about leaving the life, but he knew he could never get out. Not with who he was and the last name he held.

He remembered growing up. His mom always made sure his father was home for dinner. She sheltered him from the blood she knew was on his fathers hands and raised him to be a good god-fearing Italian boy.

Life was so much easier back then. But once she passed it was just him, his dad, and all the men ranking beneath him.

His father was not a loving man. He was a mean man, he always had been. He was a cutthroat Italian man who cared about nobody but himself and his legacy and that is what made him such a strong  leader.

Jungkook admired him when he was younger but that's because he didn't understand who he truly was. As Jungkook got older he tried to be more and more like his dad but that all fell apart when he met Y/n.

When Jungkook's mom passed away he became just as hard as his dad. He didn't care about anything or anyone. And as he grew into the strong man he became it seem like he was ready to take the reigns from his again father.

Soohyun had been worried about his son overthrowing him, that is why he stepped down when he did. He thought it would be better to go out on his own accord than pushed out by his own son but he regretted his decision.

He missed the power he once held and he wanted it back. And with Y/n around he saw an opening. A way to crush his son and take back his power and it all relied on this girl.

Originally the marriage between Jungkook and Buddy's daughter would've aligned the family and made the larges mafia conglomérate the United States has ever seen.

Buddy's empire being in California and the Jeon's in New York. They would have power in all the city that mattered throughout the country but when he realised who Y/n was he couldn't let that marriage happen.

Jungkook had no clue that Jung-min was known by those close to him as Buddy. He was unaware that Y/n was exactly who he was supposed to marry. When Soohyun first said no, it was because he has a new plan up his sleeve.

He made a deal with Jung-min's number two. He would have Y/n killed and allow the number two to stay in control while he took his position back from his sad sack of a son and then they would align the families the old fashion was, with a handshake and some cigars.

He didn't think it would be so hard to get rid of this girl but it proved a much harder feat than he had originally thought. He began plotting something new, maybe she didn't have to be dead, maybe she just had to disappear.

Maybe he could give her some money and send her in her merry way and that would be enough to debilitate his son who was so enamored by this woman. He began making plans.

By the end of the week Y/n would be gone. Jungkook would be crushed and he would be back in power where he belonged.

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