Chapter 4~

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"Y/n I'm getting you out of here. Your taking the first plane back home. "

Jungkook exclaimed bursting into the room. "What? No. What about business?" She asked standing up.

"There is no business. This is more important." He sighed his father would be angry that he didn't make the deal, but the transaction would take too long, he needed to get her out of there. Fast!

"Wait. Please Mr. Jeon, my entire life revolves around this deal. I need this." She pleaded walking towards him and squeezing his arm.

He couldnt help himself and pulled her flush against his chest, "and I need you safe." He whispered above her lips.

Her knees began to shake, proving the urgency of her leaving, she could not handle this life she was too young, too innocent.

"No. Please I can't go back there. I need the money I need to finish school and open up my own firm I can't go back to that witch." She pleaded with him.

He sighed watching her as she begged him to make the deal, her small hands clutching his suit jacket tightly. he wanted the land as much as she wanted to sell it but he wanted her out of harms way even more.

"Hmm" he sighed, "what if I give you the money in advance?" He asked making her gasp.

She exclaims. "That's what I'm hoping for." He sighs under his breath grabbing her cheeks.

"You won't Y/n. If you would you wouldn't have told me your plan so quickly. "

She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. She looked so cute, he just wanted to kiss those pouty pink lips.

"Please. It isn't safe for you here. I will call you when my people decide if they are comfortable with the price and we will set up a meeting. Just please go." Why was he pushing her away. And why did he offer her all that money? That was a lot of money!

Jungkook could care less about a measly 4 mil, in his eyes she was worth more than that. Yes he just met her, but he was in love.

He wanted to claim her as his, then he could protect her, but unfortunately his father didn't approve so he had to send her away and hope for her safety.

He made sure she was secure on a plane before trying to get her out of his mind. It was not an easy feat. She was struggling to do the same as well. She checked her phone constantly in the weeks that past waiting for his call.

One day, while at the beach with a friend she once again felt as though she was being watched. She looked up at the boardwalk and sure enough there were two men in suits.

She knew they were after her. She quickly kissed her friend goodbye before running off towards her car.

The men followed her so she decided to turn the corner and try to shake them off, as she did she made a call. "Y/n?" A concerned deep voice questioned concerned.

"Yes. Its me. I need your help. Who ever it was following me, last time we met, I think they are after me again. Please I'm scared they are still following me what do I do?"she sqeaked panicked as she continued driving around town.

"Where are you Y/n?" He asked already getting to work on getting her out of there.

"I'm back in LA, like you said." She answered trying to pay attention to the road.

"Okay. Some of my guys are in town right now. I have a restaurant its called Mamma Jeon's, the address is  Dune Road, go straight there, my guys will be waiting for you outside when you get there." He said giving her directions.

"Don't panic Y/n, I will be there by evening. I will see you soon. And we will fix this. I'm sorry Y/n. I'm so sorry."

" Sorry? Sorry for what? Is this really his fault?" She knew her father had enemies in his line of work and had always been told to be cautious of those around her but she never thought anyone would come after her because of him... all they had done is try to make a business deal.

What could Jungkook have to do with this? They only spent one night together.

"Taehyung!" Y/n almost cried. She was so happy to see a familiar face. On instinct, she wrapped her arms around him, startling him. He quickly pulled her arms from him, he would rather Jungkook shooting him for putting his hands on his girl.

Taehyung was a young handsome man he was still a force however, broad shoulders, heavy footsteps and very good with a gun. He sort of saw his little sister in Y/n and really did just want her safe but his loyalty was to his boss so he wanted her as far away from Jungkook possible because he knew what having a woman like Y/n around would do to Jungkook.

Taehyung the only one who truly knew of Jungkook's weakness to the woman. He had known Jungkook for years and knew from the moment he saw her that he was in love, he also knew that all this did was cause the family trouble. Yet he did slightly enjoy seeing his boss happy, something he hadn't seen in years, not since his mother had passed away.

The men had followed Y/n all the way to the restaurant, but stopped when they had seen where she was headed. They knew they did not have the proper ammunition for a fire fight with Jungkook's crew, and they were order to just get the girl not start a war between the families.

It took a couple hours for Jungkook to arrive, when he did he found Y/n anxiously taping her foot on the floor waiting for his arrival.

He quickly wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her to her feet. He knew he showed way too much affection towards her, but he hadn't seen her in so long and had been praying she was okay since the call.

"Jungkook." She mumbled into his chest he smiled into her hair and hugged her back squeezing her tightly before remembering he was in front of his men.

And grabbing her hand bringing her into the adjoinig room. Y/n made him look weak but he couldn't care less. Something about this girl just made him want to be happy instead of been a killer.

"What is going on Jungkook? Who are those men? What do they want with me?" "I don't know. I wish I did. What I do know is that I will keep you safe. I promise. I'm sorry. This is all my fault I never should have been so selfish, I just wanted to spend time with you and show you off, now look what I've done."he rambled.

"Hey." She said calmly, reaching up towards his face. "Stay calm. I don't know what's going on. But we will figure it out...together" She soothed running her finger along his face. He closed his eyes relishing in her touch, before doing the unthinkable.

He grabbed her waist, pulled her against his body and kissed her. He felt her knees give so he held her tighter, refusing to let her go. Her feet dangled above the ground, as he stood to his full height, pulling her up with him. He needed this. He knew it would only cause more problems but he didn't care, for the moment this felt right.

The two were interrupted by a loud banging on the door. "Boss, we have to go. " a deep voce boomed before Jungkook laces his fingers with hers and said "come with me."

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