The Beginning (six years later)

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Noah's POV

As I am packing right now to head home for the weekend, I am so nervous. I am trying to play the scene over and over in my head, how I want to approach the conversation with Elle, because I haven't to talk to her in six years, I have been to embarrassed too. I have never explained to her why I did what I did and that most of all I am still so miserable with out her.

I am killing to birds with one stone this weekend home, I have two job offers that in 10 days I have to chose one, one is in New York and one in LA I just don't know what to do. So, I want to talk to my parents and get their input, and make sure I make the right choice for me. It is difficult sometimes to be an adult, especially when life changing things come your way. Two Law Firms want me, the one in New York, would be great, good money, good starting position, overall great place for me, but the one in LA would mean back home, close to my family whom I do miss. The LA firm is good money too, it just offer one more good factor for me, they have designed a program to help young and up in comers to go out on their own. Which that is my ultimate goal. But first I need help to sort it out, plus talk to ELLE. Oh, Elle how do I do this, she was such an important person to me in my life, she taught me so many things that I don't even think she was aware of. She was the first girl that made me a man, taught me to trust myself, believe in me, that I am smarter than I give myself credit for. If it wasn't for these things I would never have made it through law school and graduated at all.

As I land at the airport, and head down the stairs I see Mom there waiting for me, I just flashed back to every time I was home Elle was there to greet me with kisses and lots of love, over the years I have missed it so much. Mom gives me a big hug and of course it feels fantastic, mom's hugs always do.
"So, baby why you home, not that I am complaining by any means, I wish both my boys were here". "I will fill you later when I can talk to you and dad at the same time. I change the subject, "So how have you been and Lee and Rachel, the Evans and Elle?" My mom knew me to well she could see I had a lot weighing on me, just by the look in my eyes. Once in the car she fills me in, "Honey, everyone is good, Lee and Rachel are full steam a head with the wedding plans, the Evans are good, Mike and Linda have been mulling around the idea of getting married and well brad is brad, growing up way to fast but still a good kid.", "As to Elle sweetie, well from what I have heard she is doing really well at her new job. Busy just like you, we hardly see her anymore." I feel deflated right now, I was hoping there was more, like she doesn't have a boyfriend, or she is excited to see you, and things that would make me believe she has missed me as much as I have missed her. "Well, that's good to here."

The drive home was the same, just chatted about every thing and anything. I want so much to be like my parents, they are still so much in love it amazes me sometimes. She still glows when she talks about dad and all the new stuff he is involved in, I am so proud of them. The drive seemed longer some how, I kept getting lost in my own thoughts that I kept missing things Mom was saying. I would drive by a place that I had a memory with Elle and drift back there, seeing her smile, that smell of hair, her laugh and feeling her love for me. I crushed her so bad, but I also crushed me.

That night Lee convinced me to come to the carnival with him and Rachel, I hesitated for a bit, and said "I have to talk to mom and dad first, but I will try after that." "She is going to be there", "I kind of figured that, that is why I am not sure, Lee I don't know if I should open that can of worms." "Noah, for six years I have heard how much you miss her and how much you fucked up, but look at you now, a big shot lawyer, have two great job offers, and Elle well she is in a good place, I really think it is time you two talk and sort things out, I know she would like that." "Again, Lee I will try, I have to meet up with some friends later so I will try to stop by, I'd like to see Rachel too."

I had dinner with the M and D, explained what was going on with the job offers and well how much I want to be home, but I want it for the right reason not because I miss my family. They did help realize that ultimately I have to make this decision on my own, it is going to maybe have one more factor in it. ELLE! I shoot a text to my buddy, let him know I have to stop somewhere first then I will meet them all at the restaurant. I pull myself together and head to the carnival. As I pull into the parking lot, and hit with a lot of memories, I take a big breath and head to the back of the school. As I walk by all the different games and people, I spot Lee and Rachel and the KISSING BOOTH (thinking this is where it all started). Though I didn't see Elle at first, as I walked up I say hi to them and congratulate them on their upcoming wedding, then out of the corner of my eye there she is, still the same, still so strikingly beautiful, hair shorter, a little bit more mature looking but I can still see my Shelly.

We chatted for a bit, after Lee and Rachel made an excuse to leave us alone. I wanted to throw my arms around her, pull her in tight, but I knew it would be wrong. So eventually it was time for me to go. She did mention she has a bike like me, and I said maybe we should go for a ride the next time I am in town. She was up to that. As I climbed the stairs I could feel someone watching me, I stop and think if when I get to the top and turn around (as she once said to me that is cheesy and to romantic) and if she is watching me then I am taking it as a sign, maybe this is a small way of letting her know she is still very important to me.

A/N I am not great at writing and this may seem to be all over the place, not great at punctuation, but this is my take on how things are unfolding.  If you like my beginning of their journey I have more to post, and will once I see people want it.

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