Hero Of Light

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Name: Reiya Lucis
Gender: Male
Race: Human


The Messiah

Prince Of Light

Future King of Eostia

Defender Of The Seven

The Holy Alliance's Last Hope

Black Hound's Traitor

Black Hound's Traitor

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Weapon: Longsword

Weapon: Longsword

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Heal Magic: He can use magic to heal others or himself.

Teleportation Magic: He is able to perform a form of magic that allows them to utilize teleportation, either magically manipulating it or using it to cast spells.

He can command are control of Fire, Water, and Lightning by studying Elemental Magic these powers are:

FIRA: He can make fiery fists, create fireballs, fire pillars, raise his temperature to levels higher Equal to the Sun, become fire to teleport, absorb fire to reenergize and heal his wound more rapidly, heal his allies.

AQUAS: Create water pillars, create tidal waves, be completely immune to water pressure, manipulate people by controlling the liquid in their bodies, create water blades to cut through anything.

THUNDER: Control lightning to reenergize himself by absorbing electricity and be immune to electricity, launch lightning bolts, shock his opponents by touching them, and teleport with electricity.

THUNDER: Control lightning to reenergize himself by absorbing electricity and be immune to electricity, launch lightning bolts, shock his opponents by touching them, and teleport with electricity

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Magic Sword : Fire blasts of energy from the sword the user is able to emit concentrated bursts of energy, most frequently for offensive purposes.
in Any way it does even a slash.

Spin Attack: By making it glow with what appears to be magic. When charged, he lets go in a 360-degree slash that harms all enemies surrounding him, often dealing more damage.

Skyward Strike: Unleashes a powerful wave of sacred energy with various effects. When the energy build has reached it can be unleashed.

Sword Beam: Allows Him to fire a beam from his sword. Usually, Sword Beams can be fired The Sword takes the shape of a spiraling blast of energy, or a simple beam of light.

Summoning Chants: I who has been chosen as the vessel of warrior of light will fight for and defend those who cannot do so for themselves and vanquish the evil and wicked. I shall be become a symbol of hope and justice and I shall light our darkest hour!

Zane (Father)

Family: Zane (Father)

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Eliza (Mother)

Eliza (Mother)

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