Part 2: Drama is for you

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Diego's pov

Wow! It's so hard to wrap my head around all of this, I mean I'm in a famous persons private plane. Although the bond that I have with Mariana still seems to be there and so strong, also it's impossible for me to think of myself as her fan or in the light of fame, I know I said some nasty things earlier but I take them back. Mariana is so humble, she's exactly the same person I knew back then, the only thing that's changed is the nerdiness, she's way more confident, beautiful and lady like. I mean I had a huge crush on her back then and now after seeing her I'm scared that it will turn into an obsession. How am I going to spend five days with her without wanting more than the friendship, I mean I know we're reconnecting after 12 years and we're almost like strangers bu- "Everyone, look who's here!" Mariana shouts out to everyone on the plane. "OH MY GOODNESS, is that Diego, Santiago Lopez's son?" What seemed to be Sir Julio, exclaimed. "Don't tell me that you can make him out but I stared at him the entire concert trying to figure out who he was." "Haha, hi sir Julio. Hi everyone, and nice to see all of you'll after what, 12 years." "Hi Diego" everyone echoed. "Can you believe it's been 12 years, come sit Diego and don't feel shy help yourself to some snacks." Sir Julio said with a huge smile on his face, that never faded since the time I've entered the plane. "Thanks" I say as I take a seat. We all make ourselves comfortable, and start catching up. Suddenly Stasia enters, "Sir Julio you're never going to believe who's outside looking for you" "Who?" Mariana asks. "Sir Julio come and see." "Excuse me!! did you not just hear my question?" Mariana says angrily, "And anyways we're supposed to take off anytime now." "I'm sorry Miss but you'll see just now." Stasia replies. Through all the commotion no one had seen that Sir Julio had left. A few minutes after waiting in silence Sir Julio returns with- "Maluma, oh my word, hi uh it's so nice to meet you." Mariana looks shocked out of her mind. "Hola, nice to meet you too and please, call me Juan, I mean we're going to be spending a lot of time together." He chuckles. I'm standing here dumb struck. Everyone welcomes him and soon he is all settled next to Mariana. The way she looks at him, the way she blushes around him, the way she talks to him all just makes my blood boil. What was I thinking anyways she probably just looks at me like a person off the streets, but she doesn't know I may not match up to her standards of fame, though I now- what am I saying I can't let my little secret get to my head. "Diego I was thinking tomorrow we could all go touring, I'll get Stasia to arrange everything, are you up for it?" Mariana asks out of the blue. "Yeah, sounds great." I reply. I'm beginning to wish that I hadn't stepped foot on this plane, I mean I came here to spend time with Mariana and try to reconnect alone, so that I could see if there's a possible chance for us to be together. Is that to much to ask. Maluma or Juan whatever his real name is, is really getting in the way of my plans and it seems like Mariana is enjoying him so maybe I should leave and come back when she's less occupied. Who am I kidding, I'm probably going to be the only one looking like a dumb ass if I bail on her now, also what possible excuse will I make. The way things just took an unexpected turn, I'm beginning to think it's the universe trying to tell me that Mariana is way out of my league. "Diego querido, I can't believe it's you." An unfamiliar voice calls out while walking out of what seems to be a separate part of the plane for business matters. "Uhh hi." I reply. "Oh come on it's Celeste, I used to babysit you and you can't even recognize me haha, I must have had a massive glow up then." "Celeste how could I ever forget you, it's been 12 years and wow you look stunning" "Thank you darling, I heard that you were here but you know working for your sister gives you no time for a break and well let me not let her fully take the blame, I'm busy working on my own fashion and makeup line as well so yeah what can I say" "That's amazing, and yeah well big sister duties are not the easiest haha." "So true you know, so true haha". "Juan you made it, sorry I'm so rude I didn't even greet you" Celeste heads quickly to his direction and gives him a big hug. "Cel it's so great to be here, thanks for the invite, I feel so privileged to be spending these next five days with Mari." "Well likewise here." Mariana replies staring deep into his eyes giving him a warm smile, when all of a sudden her face suddenly changes to this confused look, "Wait how do you two know each other." "Well I needed a model for my music video and specifically a Colombian, so I approached Celeste and she agreed, so we'll be working together on the music video a week after your world tour ends, so that it won't clash with any of your shows." "Look at you Celeste, so you do enjoy assisting your smaller sister, so much that you wouldn't even miss any of my shows." Everyone chuckles, "Oh whatever" Celeste replies in an annoyed tone, "On a serios note now, congratulations sis, this is what you've always wanted and I'm so happy for you." "Thanks Mari". Stasia storms into the room disrupting the cute sister moment, "Seatbelts on everyone, we're about to land." I couldn't be more relieved that it's almost time to get out of this plane, if I have to spend another hour observing everyone's conversations I'll explode, I just can't bare seeing Mariana with anyone else, especially when they call her Mari. She was my Mari first, I gave her that name the first day of nursery school. I need to come up with a plan to separate these two before things become more heated than they already are. I came here with the intention to claim my girl if I saw mutual feelings and I can't do that if this guy is going to keep getting in my way, today I was quiet but I don't know how long this silence will last. Well all I can conclude from all of this is, drama really is for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2021 ⏰

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