Your Shadow.

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I know that at the end of Your Burn it was at a point where Natsu and Rogue where coming for Sting. Your Shadow goes back in time a bit. Don't judge me I'm am the ruler of this world *^*
Also this is a fluffy chapter. Just some harmless guys love in the form of hugs and sweet words.
Que music...
🎵 It's guy love,
That's all it is,
Guy love,
He's mine I'm his.
There's nothing gay about it
In our eyes,
It's guy love,
Between two guys🎵❤️💘💋👬

"Natsu, it's time to get up." Rogue said softly. It had been three weeks since they'd escaped from Sting and Natsu still hasn't recovered from the torment. Rogue was afraid that Natsu was permanently damaged. They'd travelled, Natsu on Rogues back, for three days before stopping at a town to see a doctor. The doctor had been appalled at the state of Natsu's body and had agreed the best thing for his leg was to re-Break it. Natsu hadn't even flinched when the doctor had snapped the bone or set it properly to heal right. But he had flinched every time the doctor had made contact with his skin. And upon leaving that town the two returned to traveling the land. But Rogue couldn't help but notice that Natsu hated touching, being touched or talking to anyone but Rogue. Despite the worry that swirled in his mind Rogue felt important.

"Natsu, don't ignore me, come on." He gently shook the pinkette awake and a pair of sleepy onyx eyes gazed at him before grasping the world around him.

"Morning Rogue." He yawned. Rogue chuckled.

"It's more like the afternoon."

"Unnecessary details..."

"Come on. Now your leg is healed we gotta get you back into the habit of training and using magic." Natsu pouted but got up anyway. After Rogue made breakfast, he lead Natsu out of the house they'd built in the forest and began his training. The first few days was like teaching a child, his body was stiff and sore, he hadn't used his reflexes for anything but convulsing in pain and his senses had dulled to that of a normal human. But Rogue's training was intense and Natsu quickly began to improve. A month saw that Natsu was on par with Rogue, two months saw him back to his old strength and three months saw him surpassing even that. And yet no matter how strong he got he'd cling to Rogue when they went into town, he'd flinch and grip the older dragon slayer when ever someone bumped into him, he's fall silent when people addressed him directly, he'd hide behind Rogue when people looked at him. Rogue had hoped that when he'd gotten his strength back that Natsu's sparky personality would resurface but Sting seemed to have beaten it out of him. Months turned into a year and soon the two had grown used to their life in the shadows. Their names were discarded and they became known as Shadow and Blaze by the towns people.

"What do you think about this?" Rogue asked picking a request from the board of a small town, they didn't have a guild but a lot of mages would stop off and help so they'd made a request board outside of the main hall. Natsu gazed at the request and shook his head.

"Too close to Magnolia." He mumbled.

"We'll have to return there sometime." Rogue sighed.

"Not this time." Natsu pouted.

"Alright." Rogue placed the request back and took another one.

~~~ Meanwhile at fairy tail (=^ェ^=)~~~~

It had been over a year since Natsu had died in the fire and still Lucy felt terrible. If only she had been stronger then. She could have saved him. Happy lived with her now but she could tell he was anything but what his name suggested, the guild seemed just as gloomy. Often she'd see random ice sculptures of Natsu doing something Natsu-like, Gray had taken it as his job to remind everyone of the things Natsu would do. Erza was still known to cry whenever she saw one, even Juvia would cry. Which made the weather around fairy tail horrible. They hardly ever saw the Master anymore and Lisanna, Mira, and Elfman would always be away visiting Natsu's grave. It just didn't seem real. How could someone, who's life force shone brighter than the sun, simply have died from smoke inhalation? But there was no other explanation. If he was alive surely he'd have come home, right?


Natsu flopped onto the bed that he and Rogue shared in their little house and sighed heavily. He was safe, he was strong and he was okay. So why did he feel empty? Something was missing, he was happy with Rogue, the gentle dragon slayer had been his support for so long that Natsu daren't imagine a world without him, but he felt as though he was missing a large portion of who he was. He was missing Fairy Tail. But the thought of returning to that town rose memories and emotions that brought him to tears, that would cause his body to shiver. Rogue came in and saw Natsu shaking and crying, he often found Natsu like this. He climbed onto the bed and sat behind Natsu pulling the pinkette into a warm hug.

"He can't hurt you anymore." He said soothingly. "I won't let him. I'm here. I'll always be here. I'm your shadow." He ran his fingers gently through Natsu's spiky hair and felt him relax. "What am I going to do with you?" He said softly and affectionately.

"Do you regret helping me? Don't you miss Frosch and Sabertooth?" Natsu said glumly.

"I miss Frosch and Sabertooth but I do not regret anything but helping that man do what he did." Rogue answered. "I love you Natsu. I will go where you go. Your shadow."

"I love you too Rogue."

~Meanwhile at the Asshol- Sting's House~

"Sting? Sting!" Lector shook his best friend from his nightmare. "What's with you, you've been nervous for months, is it because Rogue is missing?"

"Something like that." Sting muttered. He hadn't heard anything about Rogue or Natsu. Fairy Tail thought Natsu was dead, Yukino (yukina? Yukiyuki? Ikuy? Idfk!!) had been to his funeral. And when Rogue disappeared she'd cried non stop. But Sting knew exactly what had happened. Someone had broken Natsu out of his confinement and now both were loose and Sting had no idea where they were. Only that a pair of Devils were making their way towards Magnolia slowly. The Devils of Pink and Black is what the rumours called them. Mages called Shadow and Blaze, such frightening fighters that Bandits where afraid to step foot out of line where ever the Devils went. Sting could only hope that it wasn't who he though it was.


"Hargeon, this brings back memories." Natsu breathed. Rogue and Natsu had been making their way back to Magnolia one town at a time and after Hargeon was home.

"Are you okay? Being so close?" Rogue asked. The two had changed a fair bit. Rogue had cut his hair short where as Natsu had let his grow long. Natsu dressed more like Rogue, covering scars that laced his arms, legs, chest and back. He'd received a single scar down his left cheek just below his eye when battling a foolish bandit who'd almost killed himself leaping at Natsu's Inflamed fist, a blade had been brought down upon him. Rogue had not been as forgiving as usual that day and while Natsu had tended to the wound Rogue dragged a group of Bandits to the local authorities. The bandits had been crying and shaking, shouting that a shadow demon had attacked them and that they were glad to be placed behind bars.

"I'm worried. But I'm okay." Natsu said exhaling. He'd eventually grown used to people, his sparky personality finally rising from the fearful shell he'd created.

"We don't have to confront him right away." Rogue said rubbing Natsu's shoulders in a way he knew comforted the younger slayer.

"I want to get this over with. So we can focus on us." Natsu murmured squeezing Rogue's hand. He gazed around Hargeon, it hadn't changed much but the town felt foreign, new and alien. Perhaps it was him who was the alien but he couldn't shake the uneasy feeling he'd feel the same at Fairy Tail. Rogue and Natsu had gone over the plan in their little hand made house for month and now the time was drawing close he wondered if anything would go the way they wanted.

Send an anonymous request to Sabertooth that only Sting would take and confront him on their own accord. How could it go wrong? He could take someone with him, he could ignore the request, he could have gotten far stronger than either of them thought. Natsu shook with fear but Rogue was having none of that. He hugged his partner close, and whispered soothing words to him.

"I am your shadow, Nastu. Your other half. I'm here always and everywhere. There is no need to fear what cannot hurt you. And that's what it is. As long as I am your shadow, Sting cannot hurt you."

"My shadow..." Natsu said sighing deeply and relaxing.

"Your shadow."

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