Chapter 1: The Opportunity of a Lifetime

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This is my first story on Wattpad. I hope you enjoy! :)

Please do not copy any of my story. If you see someone copying my writing, please let me know.

(PS- I will be starting each of my chapters with a really weird and random fact)


In 2012, Pizza Hut released a perfume that smells like a box of fresh pizza


It is currently 7:29 AM. In one minute, my alarm is going to go off. For now, I'm enjoying the extra time I get to stay in bed. I close my eyes and let out a deep breath, waiting for the horrid noise I have come to dread. BEEP. BEEP. Ah, there it goes. I wait for a few more 'beeps' to pass before I turn the alarm off. I force myself to get up and get ready.

Twenty minutes later, I'm heading downstairs for breakfast. I enter the kitchen and find my mother at the stove, cooking some bacon and eggs. I sit at the counter and my mom places a plate of food in front of me.

"Sarah, you have a good day at school, okay? Try not to let Cassidy get to you." My mom tells me.

"I know mom, don't worry. Today's the last day Anyways; Tomorrow will officially be the first day of summer, and Cassidy will be the last thing on my mind." I roll my eyes and put my dish in the sink. In case your wondering, Cassidy James is the school's Queen Bitch. We had once been pretty close friends, but ever since 'The Incident', as I like to call it, she points the hand of her wrath my way. Luckily, I will be free from that wrath when school ends later today.

"I gotta go mom, see you later!" After a kiss on the cheek and a quick hug, I'm out the door.

On the bus, I doodle in my math notebook. Looking around at everyone else, I see them all on their phones. I watch them in envy, longing for the day my mom will relent and finally get me one. That's right, I, Sarah Vargo, do not own a phone. How sad is that? Every time I tell my parents that I'm old enough and responsible enough to have one, they blow me off. So here I am, the only 14 year old on the planet without a phone. Ugh.

When I get out of the bus and onto school property, I look for Dylan Shaw. You see, when we were nine, Dylan and I were chosen to sit together during class. After bonding over pink hair bows, we've been inseparable. I finally find her absorbed in a book under a tree, and tap her shoulder. She looks up at me with a startled expression on her face, which is soon replaced with a wide smile.

"Sarah, can you believe it? It's the last day of junior high! I can't wait until we become high schoolers!" She lets out a really girly squeal and I can't help but laugh along.

"I just can't wait until this day is over and I can go home and watch Pretty Little Liars with the knowledge that I don't have any homework to finish, and I won't have to wake up early the next morning." Dylan nods her head in agreement, and we walk into our homeroom.

Upon entering, We are welcomed by the sight of Cassidy sucking the face off her boyfriend of the week, Ethan Cotes. I kind of felt bad for the guy, I mean, he was making out with the devil in disguise. Then again, it was his own fault for agreeing to be her plaything.

With her long blond hair, her beautiful sparkly blue eyes, her plump red lips, her perfectly curved body, and her completely normal height, she can easily snag any boy in the school. Sadly, I'm stuck here with greasy, short brown hair, dull hazel eyes, very thin lips, lots of random baby fat, and a pathetically short height. Oh, and don't forget my broken glasses- thanks to some guy in study hall- that are taped on the side. Boys don't ever pay me any attention- with the exception of Giovanni Lucas, the geekiest guy in school who dresses like an old man, and has obviously never heard of taking a shower.

I find a desk in the back of the classroom to the left of Dylan, and take a seat. In front of me is Ross Parker. The school's biggest nerd and Giovanni's best friend. With his huge glasses, and suspenders, he is just not someone you want to be seen with, let alone talkng to, although, if he had a major wardrobe change, he might not be that bad looking,

As soon as Mr. Bates starts talking, I look out the window and zone out. Suddenly, Dylan nudges me. Hard.
I look at her questioningly, and she nods her head toward the front of the classroom. Finally, my eyes land on the prize, and I start to drool.

Standing at the front of the room, talking to Mr. Bates is Daniel Reece, Mr. Hottie. My crush since I first laid eyes on him in the fourth grade.

Talk about perfection.

His blond hair is trimmed perfectly. His blue eyes are bright, and whenever he looks at you, it makes you feel all gooey inside. His mouth is in a pout, a confused look on his face. I wonder what Mr. Bates is telling him.

Every girl at Hill Creek Junior High, this includes the ones with boyfriends, is secretly- or for some, not so secretly- crushing on Daniel. If you saw him, you would too. His face isn't the only asset that has everyone turned on. Oh, no. His body is, to state it bluntly, amazing! I guess it has to be singe his is the captain of the soccer team.

Hot, athletic, and not horribly stupid; I swear, God must've spent some extra time on him.

The rest of the day is uneventful, and I give Dylan one last hug. She was leaving first thing in the morning to go to a summer camp in Ohio, while I would be stuck here. Not cool.

"I'll call your home phone before I leave! I'm going to miss you Sarah!" She waves at me before going into her mother's car.

When I arrive home,I find my mom cooking up a storm. I see meatballs, spaghetti, rice, chicken, fish, and a few salads.

"What's the occasion?" I ask. My mom turns around and gives me a huge smile.

"Guess who just got accepted to that three year educational program they applied for?"

I feel my mouth drop, and I just stare at her, processing her words. After the initial shock wore off, I lunged at her, squealing and tightly hugging her. Mom started squealing with me, and soon enough we both sound like a couple of seals jumping around the room.

"The program orientation starts at 1:15 PM, tomorrow. It is being held at the school in New York, and directly after orientation you will be escorted to your dorm room. You will start your studies the next day, and continue for the next three years." She informs me.

"Wow, seems like I'm going to be really busy." We are both silent for a moment before she breaks out into another smile.

"Do you know what this means?" She asks me.

"Time to start packing!" We both shouted at the same time, giggling like little girls afterwards.

Oh yeah, this was going to be fun.


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Until next time,

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