Chapter 2: Goodbye and Hello!

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Remember, this is unedited. That means there will be mistakes! If you see one, let me know and I'll be sure to fix it.


People who stay up later at night are likely to be more intelligent than those who go to bed early.


3 Years Later...

"Yes mom, I have the book. No, it's not damaged. It's been three years, you really think they'll let you return it? Okay, whatever. Well, I gotta go, the party's starting and I don't want to be late! Yes, I know. See you tomorrow. Bye!" I end the call, throw my phone on the bed and sigh.

Walking over to my dresser, I close the empty drawers. I grab my pictures off the top, and bring them over to my suitcase, shoving them in the front pocket. After I make sure everything is packed, I go outside.

Looking around, I see all of the other students laughing and having a good time. I'm really going to miss this place, I think to myself.

A sad smile takes over my face as I search for my group of friends. Finally finding them, I take a seat on a beanbag next to Casey Williams, my roommate and closest friend.

"There you are Sarah! We've been looking all over for you! You kept Jesse waiting!" She whispers in my ear.

Jesse Klein is my totally hot boyfriend. He has dirty blond hair that is super smooth, and brilliantly blue eyes. He also- along with everyone else in this program, due to its beach side location- has a perfect tan. I see him standing near some of his guy friends, and I walk over to him.

Once he catches sight of me his face is engulfed by a huge smile, and he pulls me close, planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"I'm glad you're here, because we can now enjoy our last day together until the next school break."

Oh yeah, I forgot; Since it was the end of the program, I would be going back to my dull, boring home in Virginia while he went back to his huge, luxurious home in Florida. Despite my doubts in a long-distance relationship, he believed we could stay strong.

We walked down the beach for a while, hand in hand, just watching the sunset.
It got late way too soon in my opinion, and it was time for us to head back to our dorms. "Goodnight, Sarah. I love you." Jesse kisses my nose and walks off. I stand there and watch as he walks off, not wanting him to leave.

"Goodbye, Jesse." I whisper to the wind.


"Get up Sarah, you're going to make us late!" I'm awoken to a pair of petite hands shaking me rather violently. I look at the clock and see that it's 6:15 AM.

"Wha-" I begin to ask, but I'm cut off by Casey.

"No time for questions, girl! Now get up and get dressed!" She goes into our shared bathroom and I force myself out of bed.

Once I'm dressed in a pair of cut off denim shorts and a white tank top, I join Casey in the bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror I apply a light amount of makeup and use a curling wand to add some bounce to my hair. I step back and admire my appearance.

During the past year I had grown a few inches, now reaching the amazingly perfect height of 5"6. My hair has grown to reach a little below the center of my back, and has reached a lighter tone due to the sun. I've lost all my baby fat, and have been bestowed with a nicely curved body. Oh, and my broken glasses have been replaced with contact lenses.

"C'mon, hurry up! We're going to miss the bus, which will then cause us to have to take a cab to the airport, which won't leave is enough time to catch our flights, and we'll be stuck having to buy new tickets and waiting for another flight!" She continues rambling on, but I ignore her.

Over the course of three years, it has been revealed to me that Casey is the biggest worrier on the planet. She literally worries over everything.
Even though I hate to admit it, her worries actually help us more than half of the time.

That's exactly why we are the first people on the airport shuttle bus at 6:48 AM. Time goes by super slowly, but eventually everyone gets on. I don't see Jesse anywhere, so I figure he must be in the other bus. I hope I can catch him before he gets on his plane.

After some hassle, weight lifting and a lot cussing, I'm finally saying goodbye to my friends.

"I'm going to miss you so much, girl! Don't forget to text me every day! And we'll Skype too!" Casey wipes a few tears from her eyes and we embrace in a bone-crushing hug.

I hug a few other girls, and just as I'm turning away, someone grabs my arm. I turn around and see Jesse.

"You didn't think you could get away without saying goodbye, did you?" A smile overtakes my face and I hug him tightly. We kiss for a minutes, until I hear my flight being called.

"I gotta go, Jesse. I love you!"

"I love you too, Sarah. Don't worry, we'll see each other soon." I wave one last goodbye, and board my plane.


During the plane ride I was squished between an overweight man who kept snoring in my ear, and an old woman who kept going on and on about her grandchildren. You could say I was more than happy when we landed.

After receiving my luggage, I try and spot my mother. It was pretty easy because she was the only woman over 40 wearing a neon pink shirt. Some things never change.

When I reach her, she starts to squeal. "You look beautiful, honey! Oh, how you've change so much since I last saw you!" She continues ranting on about my looks while she leads me to her car, and I just roll my eyes. Moms, you gotta love them.

During the drive back home I remember a very important fact; Today is the last day of summer, meaning school starts tomorrow! Oh. My. God. I'm not ready!

"Mom, you wouldn't happen to mind driving me to the mall, would you?" I anxiously twist my hair around my fingers as I ask her this.

"Sweetie, if you're worrying about buy new clothes for school, don't. I've already gone and bought you some nice outfits." She gives me a warm smile and I sigh. If there's one thing I know about my mom, it's that she's a fashion expert, despite her fascination with bright colors.

Once in done being interrogated by both parents, I'm finally free to choose my outfit for the next day. I need to make an impression, letting everyone know I'm not that nerdy girl who left for three years.

Nobody knows much about him, which gives him an air of mystery that magnifies his hotness ten times.
Black hair
Green eyes
Percy Jackson anyone??

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