Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Emerson's POV

"EMMY!!" My dad screamed from downstairs. His voice echoed off the walls. Could he get any louder?

"Coming Daddy!" I yelled from upstairs. I had a good relationship with my parents, but they were gone a lot. I missed them soooo much when they left and they were finally supposed to be home for a couple of weeks. I threw on my sweatshirt and hopped down stairs. My dirty blonde hair was in a messy bun and my bangs fell in my eyes. My green eyes complimented my green sweatshirt and I had freckles scattered all over my face. I walked down from the last stair.

"What do you need?" I smiled at my two parents who were standing at the frame of the hallway door.

"We needed to tell you... That we are leaving today." They said with a sad look on their face. My expression turned to disappointment.

"But, why?" I thought they would be here for three weeks!

"More business trips." They sighed. I knew it... " We are leaving soon and called in a babysitter."

WOAH, woah, wait a second, a babysitter??! "I usually stay by myself!" I tried to defend myself.

"But... It's different this time. We'll be gone for a year. " Wait a second. A year! "Your babysitter will be over in a few. We have to go! Luv you!" And with that they left. This was all going so fast.

A babysitter?

I didn't need a babysitter! I'm 17 and I know it's a year.... But what the heck?? I collapsed on the couch and sighed.

Right then the door opened.

"Who is it?" I groaned.

"Im here to babysit !!" A brown-haired boy with blue eyes shouted. He had his luggage. Crap...he had to live here too?

"Great!" I hopped up from behind the couch like a ninja or something. I was being really sarcastic.

"Woah! What are you, like 16 or something?" He looked to be about 20.

"17, excuse me." I had my arms crossed.

"Well, looked who woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning...." He mumbled and walked up the stairs.

Two minutes later the doorbell rang. I trudged to the door and answered it. "Who are you?" Okay, okay, maybe it was a tiny bit harsh, but hey. I was NOT in a good mood. Before he could speak I interrupted. "Wait... You must be the blue-eyed ones best friend or something." I frowned.

"That's me! He flashed a smile and went upstairs. Woopdy doo.

Half an hour later than came back down.

"Okay, I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I'm Louis Tomlinson." Blue eyes said. He smiled.

"And I'm Harry Styles." The other one said. I don't know, but those names sounded vaguely familiar...

"Cool." I said. I might as well embrace it. I had to live with him for a year. "I'm Emerson. Emerson Grace Wilson. but you can call me Emmy." I returned a smile.

They starred at me like they were expecting something. "Um, is something wrong?" I questioned.

"No, we just thought you'd recognize us that's all." Harry said while walked over to the couch and laid down.

"Recognize you? What are we related?" I was so confabbled!

He laughed. What? This wasn't funny! "Never mind." He said and then walked over to Harry. Okay then.

I sat down with them to watch TV (Spongebob!) until the doorbell rang AGAIN. How many more of them were there?? I opened the door and three boys came piling in.

"Um, Louis? Are you friends with the whole city?" I sighed.

"Ha, ha." He said sarcastically. "No, just these. This is Liam, Niall, and Zayn."

"And I'm Emmy." I said pretty harshly.

"Nice to meet you, Emmy." Liam said.

I smiled and walked upstairs to my room. I crashed on my bed and didn't know what was going to happen when I woke up.

"RISE AND SHINE SLEEPING BEAUTY!!!" Louis screamed at the top of his lungs while throwing water on me.

I immediately sprung up (like a ninja, again) and said, "I. Am. Going. To. Kill. You."

"Oh my GOSH!" He said said like a scared little child and ran. Thats what I thought.

I walked downstairs and saw that Louis and I were the only ones up.

"You and I are the only ones up." He said, repeating my thoughts.

"Yeah, and I had the privilege of being woken up by ICE COLD WATER." I huffed. "I'm going out to Starbucks for some breakfast."

"I'm coming with you!!" He said.

"Why?" I kind of wanted to eat alone.

"No one else is up! Please?" He pleaded.

"Fine! Let's go."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Yay! Chapter 1's up :)

Have you guys seen Zayn's new hair?? I mean... Idk about it.

But anyways I can say that Emmy is DEFINITELY going to fall in love with one of the boys...


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