Chapter 2

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Emmy's POV

Louis got all giddy and I walked to the door. When I opened it there were camera flashes going everywhere and a ton of people in my yard. What. The. heck.

"Um, Louis?" I said backing away and trying (note, trying) to close the door.

"Yeah?" He stopped playing on his phone and looked at me. The boy was clueless!

"Why do we have, um, some company?" I said nervously and watched Louis walk over to the door. His eyes got as big as saucers.

"How the heck did they find us?" He mumbled. Find them? He quickly shut the door.

"So, either you have the biggest family I've ever met, or There's just a bunch of strangers with cameras in my yard." I teased.

"We'll, Mrs. Sarcastic..." He paused. "We might just be a little famous, or something..."

That's when it hit me. One Direction. I haven't heard a lot about them, but I saw them on TV once. They had (quote on quote) 'taken over America'. Or so they say. ANYWAYS. I had no idea what they were doing here, babysitting me!?

"Your, your one.." I said, backing up into the counter.

"Yes" Lou said, letting out a big sigh.

"Okay," I said, shooting up from where I was over to him. " First of all, why didn't you tell me you were, oh, I don't know, famous?"

"We'll you didn't recognize us so whats the point?" Lou stated. He was on his phone again. I just wanna chuck that phone across the room at this point.

I just ignored his comment. "Second of all, why are you here? Babysitting me?"

"Because, we have a whole year until our next tour, and Uncle Si said we needed to get a job. So, here we are!" He said very cheerfully. "Although I expected you to be a little younger.." He continued a little to prissy.

" Yeah well I didn't expect my babysitters to be the most famous boy band in the world, thank ya very much." I shot back.

"Touché" he laughed." Now are we going to Starbucks or what??"

"Once you tell your little friends to get off the lawn!" I didn't know why I was laughing so much...

After that he got up and went to look through the window. His smile dropped to a frown and he came back and sat down. All of a sudden it was like a lightbulb went off in his head or something.

"Let's get to Starbucks a funner way!" Lou smirked, hopped up, and ran to the back door like a ninja.

"If that's what your thinking, then no, we are NOT sneaking through my backyard!" I Knew exactly what he was thinking.

"But Emmy!!" He whined.

"But Louis!!" I mocked him and made a little pouty face.

"EMERSON GRACE WILSON!!!" He shouted so loud I could have swore he almost woke up the whole house.

I tried to think of his middle name... But I had no idea... "LOUIS 'I DON'T KNOW YOUR MIDDLE NAME' TOMLINSON" I tried to shout back.

"Hey! That's an invalid middle name!" He pouted even more.

"Whatever!" I laughed. "Now are we gonna act like idiot spy's or what?"

Louis immediately jumped out the door screaming in a ridiculous accent 'Ill be back'. I laughed and followed him. I got out just in time to see his failed attempt at trying to jump over the fence in my backyard.

"Say cheese!" I screeched and quickly pulled out my phone and took a picture. That was sooo funny!!

An Unhappy Louis got up from the ground, brushed himself off, and ran toward me. At full speed.

"Ahh! " I screamed and dodged him. I then proceeded to jump over the fence and run to the sidewalk.

"Haha missed me, missed me, now you got to kiss me!" I stuck my tongue out once I realized that he had gotten over the fence.

"Whatever you say!" He said and starting making kissy noises at me. I rolled my eyes and started walking down the street.

After the longest awkward silence in history, Lou finally broke the silence.

"Wanna play truth or dare?" He said very excitedly.

"Sure." I shrugged. I didn't usually play this game with my best friend, Shiloh. She wasn't the 'truth or dare' type.

"Truth or Dare?" I started us off.

"Truth." He said after he thought a while.

"Do you have a crush on any girls at the moment?" I smirked for gosh only knows why.

"No." No he said kind of sadly..

"Truth or dare?" He continued back to me.

"Truth" I said.

"When did you have your first kiss?" He asked. Ugh why that question?? I would've answered any question BUT that question.

"Um..." I stuttered. "I actually haven't had my first kiss yet."

"Oh." He said.

"Yeah, I guess I'm just waiting for the perfect guy you know?" I smiled weakly.

He just looked at me and smiled strangely."We're here!! He screamed and ran in Starbucks.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Wassup guys???

Sorry I haven't updated in like 10,000 years (not really haha) but here it is!

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Thanks!!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2013 ⏰

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