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|Pretty Purple Haired Boy|

P.S: Jungkook and Jimin are both 25 years old here.

3983 words

Author's POV
Jungkook sighed impatiently for like a thousand times that day. His feet won't stop moving and his hands kept tapping the table anxiously.

He checked the time, 5.30 p.m. Sighing again when he knew he's gonna be late.

He glared at his boss who kept going on and on, talking about the new business plan he made. Jungkook was slick enough to change his expression into a smiling face when his boss suddenly turned his head to him.

The meeting was suppose to end thirty minutes ago, yet Jungkook and his other co-workers are still in the meeting room, listening to their boss who kept explaining passionately.

He could sense that his co-workers are upset and tired too, everyone couldn't wait to go home and take some rest in their comfy beds.

Jungkook diverts his gaze to one of his co-worker who raised their hand.
"I apologize for interrupting sir, but its 5.30 already and we were supposed to be dismissed at 5."

Thank fuck someone finally said it.
Jungkook thought, mentally cheering.

He saw his boss checking his watch and widen his eyes.
"Oh! Right! I apologize for keeping you here longer. Its just that i'm so excited to tell you guys about my new plan. Okay, so everyone's dismissed for today. Thank you for attending this meeting, we will continue our discussion tomorrow. Once again, i apologize for keeping you here longer than intended. Have a nice day everyone!" His boss said before walking out from the meeting room.

Jungkook could hear everyone sigh in relief, before packing their things.

Jungkook quickly put all his things on his bag and immediately ran out from the meeting room.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm gonna be late." Jungkook mumbled to himself, while running to his car in the parking lot.

He threw his bag to the backseat carelessly and immediately went to the driving seat. Jungkook then drove quickly to his apartment, it was a 30 minutes drive from his office to his apartment.

It felt like forever when he finally arrived at his apartment. Slamming his door and taking his bag quickly. He went to the elevator and pressed the button impatiently.

When he finally arrived at his floor which is the 16th floor, he ran out and went to his room. He unlocked his door and went in.

He threw his bag on his sofa and loosens his tie before bringing a chair to his window for him to sit and looks outside.

A familiar park with kids playing around on the slide and swing are in Jungkook's sight.

Jungkook's eyes scanned all over the park to find a particular purple haired boy he couldn't wait to see every single day.

Jungkook literally squealed excitedly when he finally saw the particular purple haired boy there, pushing a little girl on the swing with the prettiest smile on his face.

Jungkook just sat there, in front of his window. Staring lovingly at the pretty boy he didn't even know. Chuckling when the boy made a silly face to entertain the children playing there.

If you're still wondering the reason why Jungkook really couldn't wait to go home, it was actually just to stare at his crush (which Jungkook doesn't even know the name of) playing happily with the kids in the park.

This happened everyday. Every time Jungkook finished working and went home, the first thing he did were to bring a chair to his window and sit there while staring at the pretty purple haired boy he didn't even know.
The next day when Jungkook finished working, he does the same thing again. It sort of already became his routine, bringing a chair to the window and stare at the pretty boy outside.

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