15.9K 374 244


Jm: 23 Years Old
Jk: 21 Years Old

Description: Where Jungkook is sick and he doesn't want anyone else except Jimin.

P.S: Jungkook has a little space here

Little space is where you get into the head space of a child, entering a child like care free space away from the adult world. Its a way of coping from some sought of stress they may be experiencing.

4235 words

Author's POV
That morning, Jungkook woke up with a throbbing head. He groans in pain and tries to sit up only to realise there is a hand wrapping around his waist tightly, making it hard for Jungkook to sit up.

Jungkook glanced to his right and saw Jimin still sleeping peacefully, their bodies tangled around each other.

So Jungkook smiled and decided to lay down again, just for a bit. Around two minutes passed with Jungkook just staring fondly at his lover.

That was until his peaceful moment was interrupted with another throbbing feeling in his head. He also could feel his body getting colder and colder.

Jungkook cursed inside his mind. This is bad, he knew walking home from the cafe while the rain pours heavily yesterday wasn't a good idea. He knew that he's going to be sick sooner or later.

Which is even worse, since whenever Jungkook is sick, he would slip heavily into little space.

It wouldn't be a problem if Jungkook slipped in the weekends or after the work hours are over. But today is unfortunately wednesday, and he has to work two shifts today as he already promised Yoongi to cover his shift at the cafe today for he has to handle some important family matters.

Jungkook is sure he couldn't call someone else to cover his shift as it is already too late. So Jungkook just sighs and reached for his phone in the nightstand. He checked the time and it is still 5.30 in the morning. His shift starts at 8.

So Jungkook just puts his phone back, and snuggles more into Jimin's chest, attempting to sleep again. Hoping that when he woke up, he would feel slightly better.
This time, Jungkook is woken up by soft kisses planted all around his face. He whined and blindly reached for Jimin's face to stop the latter from kissing him.

He heard giggles coming from Jimin and couldn't help but smile a little too.

"Wake up baby, its 7 already. You said you have shift at 8 right?" Jimin said, gently stroking Jungkook's hair.

Jungkook hummed and finally decided to open his eyes. Which he immediately regret since the moment the sunlight hits him, the headache hits him again.

He whimpers and immediately held his head with his hand.

Jimin frowns worriedly. "Are you okay? What's wrong?". Jimin asked while gently cupping Jungkook's cheek.

Jungkook holds back another whimper when he felt another wave and slowly removing Jimin's hand from his face.

"I'm fine, just didn't get enough sleep last night.." Jungkook said, not wanting Jimin to know that he's sick. Jimin also has work today, and Jungkook didn't want his boyfriend to skip work just to take care of him.

Jimin looks at Jungkook, not really convinced with his words. "You sure?" Jimin asked again.

"Yeah hyung, I promise." Jungkook said, smiling a little.

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