13 Stuff Happens

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I went to the living room to dry off my face so that Yamato won't tease me anymore. But i didn't wipe my frown off my face. Ugh, stupid Yamato..

  Before i knew it, he finished doing the dishes and walked into the living room. He saw me and said: "Hey, didn't i tell you to wipe that frown off your face? Want me to do it for  you?"

  He then stretched my cheeks upwards to form a 'smile'. "Hey, quit it! It hurts!" I said painfully. "Wow, your cheeks are soooo stretchy!" Yamato said amused.

  He finally let go and said: "Haha your cheeks are red now, no need to thank me! "Thank you!?" i said angrily. "Gee, you're welcome, Sara!" ***

  I pouted at him and gave him my signature death stare. "Ooh, someone looks angry!" he said mischievously. "Oh yeah today's Saturday, wanna go to Kunian?" he asked. "Will everyone be there? Your friends i mean." i asked. "Yeah probably, it's Saturday after all." he said and headed for his bedroom. "Go and change first, don't take too long or I'll leave you behind!" he said while entering his bedroom to change.

  I quickly changed into a button down with jeans. I guess I'm not the girly or the fashionable type. I just like really comfortable clothes. I hate make-up too and I'd avoid it at all costs. This girl ain't gonna make herself pretty just for the sake of finding a boyfriend! I believe in inner beauty, not outer.

  I came out of the toilet and found Yamato checking his phone on the sofa. "You ready? That took shorter than expected.." he said. "Yeah let's go." i said. "You didn't leave your important girl stuff behind? Did you check your beg properly?" he asked. Wow, he's acting like my Dad.. "Uh, yeah, all set to go!" i said. Is he actually trying to be considerate?

  We reached Kunian not long after. And as expected, the guys were there, chatting away while watching some baseball on TV. I didn't know that they liked baseball though..

  We opened the door and Uncle Kunihiko greeted us. The others just waved at us. They were still focusing on their baseball game on TV.

  "Hey i didn't know you guys liked baseball!" i said breaking the silence. "Oh, didn't we tell you, we all were baseball players back in school and your uncle was our coach!" Yuta exclaimed.

  "That's how we all met each other! We still compete till this day!" Takao said. "Our team is called 'Long Island'." Saeki butted in. "Wait, you mean named after the city in New York, Long Island?" i asked. "Yup!" everyone replied.

  Well actually, i don't even know a single thing about baseball. But they seem to love it.

  Suddenly, Yuta looked at Yamato and I and asked: "So how was living together?" Yamato and I looked at each other. Saeki then seductively said: "Did anything happen last night?"

  "What!? No, nothing happened!" i answered immediately. "Well I'm sure something will happen over time.." Saeki said again. I blushed a little and looked away. Yamato felt a little uncomfortable and looked at his feet.

  "Anyway, have you found a job yet, Sara?" Uncle asked. "Uh, not yet.. I just got here yesterday!" "Oh right.." Uncle said.

  "Then, what about working at Kunian for the time being?" Uncle asked. "Oh really? Thanks Uncle! It really means a lot!" i said happily. I guess i got too happy and jumped up and down. And guess what? I accidentally tripped and fell on Yamato's chest.

  "H-hey, watch where you're uh.. Jumping!" Yamato said blushing. He took a step back and accidentally tripped on the wooden platform thingy that has a sofa on it. (I don't know what to call it sorry! It's that platform thingy in the sushi restaurant which has a table and sofa seat next to the conveyor belt. Am i making any sense? :c)

  We fell onto the sofa together. I was on top of him. I was clutching onto his shoulders and Yamato held my waist tightly.

  Everyone else just looked on with surprised looks on their faces. For some weird reason, i noticed a faint scent of cologne.. His cologne.. It smelled good.. And he has that boyish scent. You know that smell all boys seem to have. That boy smell.

  I was lost in my thoughts when Saeki said: "Yamato, Yamato.. Tsk, tsk, tsk.. Take it easy, Bro! You should only do things like that in the bedroom." I don't know why but i think he emphasised on the word 'bedroom'. That just made my heart flutter.

  For a split second, i looked into his clear brown eyes. Those eyes looked so amazing on him. He looked back and shyly said: "What are you looking at?" "Uh nothing!" i replied quickly.

  He then tried to stand me up. He held me in his right arm and stood up. My face was in his hot neck. I could still smell his shampoo from last night. Hmm.. Lavender.

  With what just happened to us earlier, he held my hand and said: "Sara, let's go." "You're leaving so soon?" Takao asked. "Yeah just remembered something important" he replied. I could tell he was lying, he has nothing important to do today..

  "Okay bye guys, Uncle!" I said hurriedly. Yamato took me out of Kunian and let go of my hand. "Phew, that was close!" he said. "Now they can't tease me!"

  Yamato looked at me and said: "Hey, let's take a walk around the park, it's a beautiful day today!" He had a smile on his face. "Oh yeah next time don't screw up in front of the guys! We were lucky this time!" he said and walked ahead of me. "Come on hurry up, Sara!"

  And i did as i was told.

***I borrowed that joke from Spongebob lol XD

P.s. Sorry i didn't update in awhile guys! Here's a slightly longer chapter for you to enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2015 ⏰

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