10 His Seductive Side?

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We finally reached home. Yamato then taught me how to prepare the smoked salmon with broccoli and cauliflower. We cooked the rice and made some miso soup as well.

~ Time Skip ~


  Wow i just had an amazing dinner! I didn't know Yamato could cook so well! Or that he could even cook in the first place! Okay I'm impressed, even i can't cook food like him.

  "So how was dinner, Sara?" Yamato said grinning. We were doing the dishes in the kitchen. "It was delicious!" i exclaimed. "I never knew you could cook!" "Haha, never, and i mean never underestimate the power of your husband!" he said cheekily. Then he looked confused for a second and said: "Fake husband! I totally meant fake husband!". He looked away. Then i just remembered something. "Hey! Why would you even want me to be your so called 'fake' wife in the first place?

  He just stood there, thinking of what to say to Sara. "Umm.. You'll cross that bridge when you get to it!" he said looking away. Okay, i was still confused. Why would he want me? I looked at Yamato. He looked back at me. Things got kinda awkward between us, so as if to break the silence, Yamato said: "Hey, aren't you tired? I mean, you came here all the way from Kyushu and stuff.". Then, he playfully sprinkled some tap water onto my face. "Hey! Don't do that!" i said pretty annoyed. "Don't do what? This?" he said while splashing (yes, splashing, not sprinkling anymore) more tap water onto my face. My face was all wet. I just looked at him with my resting-bitch face.

  "Hahaha! You look so damn cute with that face of yours!" Yamato said while laughing out loud. "Ugh! Look at what you've done, Yamato!" i said while trying to dry off my face. "Yes, and I'm satisfied with it." he said with a smug grin. "Whatever! I'm gonna take a shower!" i said and stormed off.

  I quickly went to the bathroom and locked myself inside. I turned the shower on and started doing whatever i do in the shower. I must say that he even kept his bathroom clean, and that's the place i expected most guys to 'dirtify'. Suddenly i heard a click, and the bathroom door opened! I guess i didn't lock it properly because i still don't quite know about how things work around here! Oh shoot, why is Yamato here? Plus I'm thoroughly naked! Well, it's a good thing that the glass is slightly transparent. I hope that he doesn't see me in my 'true' form..

  Yamato came closer and closer. He then took off his clothes and reached out for the handle. I quickly grabbed hold off the handle of the opposite side from him. He kept pulling and pulling and said seductively: "Hey aren't you gonna let me in? Aren't married couples supposed to bathe or shower together?". I pulled hard trying not to let him in. "I don't want you to see me like this!" i blurted out. "Ah, don't worry about that, i can already see you." he said with seductive grin. "WHAT!?" I shouted.

  "Hahaha, i am kidding, okay?" he said while laughing. He finally let go of the handle and walked outside. Okay, i was relieved that he didn't see me naked.. So thank goodness! Once he was out of sight, i quickly went to the bathroom door and locked it. Very carefully this time.


  Hi guys!! Sorry i didn't update sooner. It's because of school and stuff! So i hope that u enjoyed this chapter! Oh yeah and do check out my friends' books too! They are exo_miracle and er1nken1. Thanks!!!


My Forged Wedding: Yamato and SaraWhere stories live. Discover now