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So,Welcome to apocolyaps and restoration ch-3.


Soldier: Everything looks quite!

Soldier1: Yes!!

Soldier2: TAKE COVER!!( When he said this 12 fireballs was coming at there and it hits the fort)

Soldire3: SOUNDS THE BELL!!!
WE ARE UNDER-ATTACK!!!(When he said this all solider starts to rang the warning bells)

Now we will go to white who is sleeping but hearing this sounds she woke up.

White: ( Get's up ) They are here ! ( Runs )

HM: (Running ) Good to see that all of us woke up ! Plus it seems they arrived sooner !

White: Yes! I thought it ws a bad idea to go sleep!

SM:I agree ! ( We will go when they arrived outside )


White: Where is the enemy ?

SR: They haven't showed ourselves yet ! It appears they have mages with them ! The mages are attacking with fireballs from inside the forest !

SM: Shall we go deal with them ?

HM: No because that's what they want us to do.

GM: You must have something on your mind to say that !

HM: They are doing That for 2 reasons!
1. They are hoping to draw us out to either ambush us in he forest.
2. If we do nothing they are attacking to weaken the forts walls and injuring as many troops as possible to make it easier on them!

White: ( Surprised ) Neither of those sound good !

GM: It's an old Strategy to weaken a castles defences back on the days where the kingdoms where fighting eachother!

HM: Now it's not the time for a history lesson  !

GM: The problems for us is that we don't have any mages of our own here !

SM: If only the idiot was here as well !

White: If 2 of us went out there with some troops wouldn't be better than send too many !?

GM: You don't know where and what the enemy is up to  !

SM: We must do something here!

SR: If this keeps up the front gate and wall would fall soon !(When the were talking a portal appears inside the fort)

HM: ( Grabs hammer ) They teleported inside !

White: It appears they got bored of waiting ! (Takes out)

SM: At least we can fight them now ! ( Takes out )

GM: Watch you backs ( Takes out)

TG: ( Appears ) Remember the plan !

HM: ( Slams drammer on the grounds " THUNDERBOLT "(When he slamed a big thunder was hit on the ground and when smoke died out 30 terrars were dead)

HM: That's what i'm talking about !

GM: (kills 3)Be careful otherwise you may kills us as well! 

White: " Haste " " Double Hit " ( Glows and Disappears and reappear behind them ) Silent Strike! ( All 30 were chopped in half )

SM: ( Kills 4 ) No wonder you are an Orichalcum rank !

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