Chpater 2 ( Phoebe's POV )

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We all gathered around a table of candles that Paige had just set up. I was nervous. "So you guys know what to do?" Paige asked. She was so confident. I guess it was because she didn't know Prue.

"Yea" Piper said. "Say the incantation drop of blood each and repeat Prue's name until she appears and when she does say the new spell. And of it's a demon Prue, I blow her up or stab her with this knife" She quivered at the last part.

"Ready?" Paige asked.

"If I have to then I'm ready" I said.

Then we started the incantation;
"Power of the Witches rise, bring back the on we loved, bring pack the power of three from the start, bring back Prudence Halliwell. Bring us the power of four, we want the power of four"
We said. My stomach churned. I felt sick. I took the knife and cut my finger it didn't hurt because I got so used to doing it. After me was Paige, then Piper so she had the knife at her side to stab demon Prue if that happened.

"Prudence Halliwell, Prudence Halliwell. Prudence Halliwell. Prudence Halliwell" then she begin to appear. I saw her face, so beautiful light and pale with that strong look in her eyes, I tested up.

"Prue?" I said. She was appearing more clear.

"The power of Four will set us Free, the Power of Four will set us free" we continued that 5 times. Then she was real and fell to the floor. She got up fast. Piper got her hands ready with the knife in Paige's hand ready to pass it to her and me and Paige were behind her. I stared at Prue she looked confused but happy, and sad.

"Prue?" Piper said. Prue looked up at Piper.

"How am I here?" She asked. "Piper? Look at how long your hair is! Phoebe, awe look at you so grown up and mature and I love your hair." She stopped and turned her head. "Paige... I couldn't have asked for a better replacement. But how am I alive?"

Paige dropped the knife. "Prue?" She said. "Are you really here?"

"Prue!" Piper yelled and then ran to her hugging her, she was crying. "You back oh my gosh your back, I missed you so much never leave me please Prue never do that again"

"Oh my gosh, Prue." I said and walked up in tears.

"Phoebe" she let go of Piper and hugged me. I started crying.

"Prue, oh I needed you I had so much going on and I just knew that you would know how to handle it but I couldn't ask you and Piper to be honest just doesn't understand what you understand and oh your back that's all I care about" I said while crying and hugging Prue. Just then Leo walked up stairs.

"What's going on in here-" he froze. "Prudence? Is that you?"

"Leo." She said and hugged him.

"Prue, oh my gosh I missed you so much" he said and hugged her back, me and Piper joined in.

"Paige your apart of this family to get in here" Piper said.

"Okay!" Paige said she walked over and joined the hugs. Once it ended she said "I'm glad I get to met you now Prudence"

"Call me Prue please." She said and hugged Paige. "Now I want to know everything that happened since I went through the wall" she smiled. Then a demon appeared. Of course had to ruin everything! He shot a fireball at Piper.

"Fireball" Paige yelled and through it back at him. It hit him but didn't stop him. He started after Piper. Piper lifted her hand and froze h right before a knife stabbed her heart.

"So close" she said. Backed away. And picked up a knife and through it at him. He caught on fire then blew up. Piper smiled. "more are coming they know Prue's back and need to kill two of us know? Which if I'm correct would be me and Prue because we at the oldest, but could be Paige Because she can heal." Piper said.

"Really Already" Prue said. " I just got back" she frowned and went to the book.

"So much for a demon free birthday" Phoebe said.

"Wait what year is it?" Prue asked.

"2006" Leo answered.

"Damn 5 years. It's my birthday today, am I 30 or 35? Cause I missed a lot." She said.

"I don't know" Leo said.

"Oh" she answered.

Anther demon appeared and set off a smoke, then Piper blew him up. "Who was that? What is that?!" She said.

"Fog to make your anger come out without saying it until you push a way to kill the most angered person in the family." Leo said.

"Check with the elders Leo" Prue said. Paige laughed. "What's funny?"

"I'm no longer a white lighter or an elder, I'm a human now" he said.

"I missed a lot" Prue said.

"Yup" I said.

A/N : comment what you think ;)

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