2. The Holiday

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This is kinda just a filler chapter before things start to happen

We start our holiday off in Paris, visiting all of the typical sights. The final night in Paris we have dinner on a roof top which looks out to the whole of Paris
"Row this has been an amazing few days. It's been good to get away from everything in LA"
"It has. Although I do miss Teddy" I laugh
"Weirdly I miss him as well, he's like our child"
"He is isn't he. Colbs, do you find it weird that I'm basically in charge of a well now 14 year old?"
"Not really" Colby shrugs "you're her sister, I know if I had a younger brother or sister I'd do the same"
"Sometimes I think that she needs a proper family, a mom and dad, not a bunch of 20 year olds who make a living out of ghost hunting"
"Social services think your plenty capable of looking after Clare, also she loves you. You'll never be her mom and she knows that, but you can be the best big sister. You're exactly what she needs" Colby takes my hand giving it a slight squeeze
"Thank you, you always know what to say. I love you"
"I love you too. Now how on Earth am I going to top this date?"
"Honestly I don't care what we do, as long as we're together"
"Good job I'm not letting you go then isn't it"

After we have our dinner we head back to the hotel to pack our things for our flight in the morning to Bora Bora. We get into bed and cuddle, Colby strokes my hair while I lay my head on his chest
"When we get home I think I'm gonna redye my hair" I say looking at a strand
"What colour?"
"My natural colour, brown. I can't remember the last time it was my natural colour. Plus I look more like my mom when I have brown hair"
"You'll look beautiful with any colour hair" Colby places a kiss on my head
"I miss my mom. I didn't just choose to come to Paris because it's romantic, it was also my moms favourite place to come"
"Tell me about her"
"Well, she was beautiful. Long brown hair, bright blue eyes, kinda like yours. She was kind to all, funny as well and I remember when I was younger she loved to read really old books, but I wasn't allowed to touch them. I'm guessing they were the spell books although they look completely different now. I just wish I knew why my dad hated me and my mom so much"
"Baby, there's no point dwelling on the past. My family is yours and they love you. Our friends love you. I love you" I look up to Colby's smiling face. I lean up and kiss him
"I love you too" I lay back down and we soon fall asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning we wake up early to catch the flight. The flight was pretty boring, but once we arrive in Bora Bora the first thing we do is go to our hotel and put on our swim suits. The water is so clear it's basically see through
"This is so relaxing, I really needed this"
"So did I. No distractions, just me and you" Colby lifts me up in the water "as much as I love our friends and Clare sometimes I wish it was just us two"
"Maybe one day we can have our own house" I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist
"I'd like that"
"Although we will probably have Clare still living with us" I laugh
"And we would have Teddy, he's basically like having a child"
"That's true, I hope he's being well behaved for everyone"
"I'm sure he is. If not he can get away with it because he's so cute"
"Let's hope the boys have remembered to take him for a walk or else he would have destroyed half the house" I giggle
"If not Kat would have"
"Your right, I need to ring Kat later to see how Clare is"
"Stop worrying, she will be fine. She's got Corey, Jake and Sam at home"
"Yeah that doesn't ease my worry" this causes Colby to laugh a little
"Ok, but Devyn, Kat and Tara will be over all the time so will Xepher and Cassie"
"I know, god if this is what it would be like when I have kids god help me"
"I'm afraid it will probably be worse"
"Great, good job that's not happening anytime soon"
"Speaking of, how many would you want? We've never really talked about that"
"Two, maybe three but not loads. What about you?"
"Same. Two, maybe three but no more than that"
"Glad we're on the same page"
"Me too" Colby kisses me again on the lips and it becomes a heated make out before we get out of the water and back to the hotel.

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