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     In a world full of beauty and picturesque nature, several kingdoms have settled in it for several thousand years in complete peace. Until they started a war among themselves due to the lack of their resources, with their numbers increasing. The war lasted for more than 5000 years, and there were unimaginable bloody battles. The battles caused the loss of many creatures, and caused the extinction of many of those kingdoms. This great war has left the beautiful and picturesque world in ruins and filled with countless lakes of blood.

     Among those kingdoms, only 4 of them remained. And even after all this they are still fighting each other. The remaining kingdoms are (Kingdom of Gods: Miracle ), (Kingdom of Demons: Numidia), (Kingdom of Vampires: Trivisk) and (Kingdom of Humans: Sphoro). Each of these kingdoms has some kind of creature. In the kingdom Miracle, there are angels and their rulers, the gods of the five elements: water, earth, fire, air and light. Angels have the ability to control the derivatives of the five elements while the gods have the ability to control the elements that are specific to them. And the kingdom resides in the sky, and make the clouds their kingdom. In the kingdom Numidia, there are orcs and demons, and their ruler is the Great Demon and his family. Orcs have magic derived from demonic magic, and demons have black magic as the strongest magic. The kingdom of demons is in the depths of the earth, and they emerge from several giant pits inside the forests.

     As for the kingdom Trivisk, it is made up only of vampires themselves. Vampires have very powerful bodies, even a 5-Blood year-old can smash a huge mountain. Their strength increases with time and with the more blood they drink, the best blood quality for them is the blood of angels and humans. Their kingdom is on the surface of the earth on a mountain that none of them could destroy, and it is exposed to all the other kingdoms, but they are not attacked because they are the most powerful of all the kingdoms. In the kingdom Sphoro, humans are ordinary creatures who do not have any strength, but they are distinguished by their superior intelligence compared to the rest of the kingdoms. Their speed of development, their intelligence and their alliance with Miracle were what saved their kingdom from destruction over all these years.

     At one time, three children of three kingdoms were born. These children were different from all who were like them. In Miracle, the Prince of the Gods was born from the descendants of the God of Light. The Prince of the Gods had black wings unlike the rest of the gods who had white wings, and was named “God of Darkness” after they brought him down to earth. In the kingdom Numidia, a demon with white hair was born, unlike demons with black hair. He was banished from their family, and was nicknamed "The Devil of Light". In the kingdom Trivisk, a princess was born who not only had supernatural powers far more than even the vampires themselves, but was even able to control the blood of all creatures, except for vampires. But the people refused to keep her in the kingdom because she does nothing but destroy people's homes and the kingdom's castles, and she was expelled because of that.

     These three met near Sphoro, the Human Kingdom. The vampire princess wanted to ask them to drink the blood of the dead from them. And the Prince of Demons wanted to eat the bodies of the dead. As for the prince of the gods, he resorted to humans to stay with them... After each of them saw the other two, they fought among themselves. But the king of humans warned them that he would not keep them in his kingdom if they kept on fighting. After nearly three hundred human years of fighting, the three of them agreed with then Human King that they would give their power to humans. By creating a sacred lake with their abnormal blood in the mountain near their kingdom. But on the condition that only one human could obtain the power of the three of them, and on the condition that that human has got to be kind-hearted with all creatures, no matter how weak or strong, evil or good they are... And after a hundred years of agreement, the three killed themselves and left their blood flows in this sacred lake which was inside the mountain that's near Sphoro, and was later named *Lake Of The Royals*.

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