Page VI

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“What do you want to do now? We might never be in this beautiful city again, so we might as well make the most of our last night here, I don’t want to sleep for a minute of it.”
Camila said excitedly as they walked hand in hand like they used to.
They hadn’t really let go since they were on the boat and that was almost an hour ago.
It was difficult for Lauren at first, but the heart palpitations in her chest were finally calming down and the whole 'having physical contact with Camila without being debilitated by it’ thing was actually starting to seem possible.

“We could go to a club? There’s one near our hotel that looks pretty good.” The older girl suggested.

Camila’s eyes lit up at this idea. “Do you think I’ll get in?”

Lauren shrugged. “I’ve heard they’re not as strict about ID in Europe, especially when it concerns beautiful girls, so I’m pretty sure you’ll get in no problem.”

Lauren almost regretted her words until she saw the very obvious blush finding its way onto Camila’s cheeks.
It definitely wasn’t the first time she had complimented her friend that way, so Lauren wasn’t sure why it brought this kind reaction out of the younger Latina now.
She decided better than to overthink it though, things were going too well this evening to allow herself to get caught up on something which most likely meant nothing.
After all, it was ice cold and everyone’s cheeks were a little rosy, right?

Lauren squeezed the flustered girl’s hand. “I hope you’re ready to dance.” She grinned.


After a short taxi ride and zero difficulty at the door, just as Lauren expected, the two girls were walking into a nightclub with a name that neither of them could quite work out the pronunciation of.

Once inside, Camila stood rooted to the spot, glancing around nervously as Lauren handed in their coats and scarves to be hung up.
The younger girl had never been a big partier when they were in high school together and it suddenly hit Lauren this was definitely her first time inside a club too.

“You’re good Camz, I’m not going to leave you.” Lauren reassured her, lips pressed right up against Camila’s ear so the younger girl could hear her over the blaring music.
She was almost sure she felt Camila shudder slightly.

“I know you won’t, I trust you.” Camila husked back into Lauren’s ear and the older girl felt herself shudder this time. The vibrations of Camila’s voice made her spine tingle and Lauren couldn’t help but wonder if that was what her friend had felt too.
“But if you want me to dance, I’m definitely going to need a few shots first though.” Camila added, playfully.

Alcohol was such a bad idea right now and Lauren knew it.

“Coming right up” She beamed anyway, pulling Camila into the crowd towards the bar, leaving the majority of her willpower at the door alongside their coats.


It was a terrible idea, an absolutely fantastic but completely terrible idea.
Two shots and a vodka coke each later, both girls were in the middle of the crowded sweaty club, dancing together, or as 'together’ as Lauren could allow herself without getting the urge to reach out and grab Camila.
The younger girl looked phenomenal right now as she moved her body perfectly to the beat of the music.
It was hard to imagine this was the same shy, clumsy fourteen year old girl Lauren had first met all those years ago.
Ok, maybe she was still clumsy as hell, but she was also unbelievably sexy and her confidence with her body was very obvious to everyone around them - Lauren definitely wasn’t the only person watching Camila in awe.
The older Latina ensured to ignore her desires and keep her distance though, tonight had gone too well for her to fuck it up now.
Their friendship seemed to finally be getting back on track, she just needed to last one more night, which Lauren thought was doable as long as she didn’t touch Camila right now.
She knew the moment she did that it was game over.

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