Chapter Three

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Rainbow Dash quietly walks along the empty streets. She glances around despite being fully aware she won't see anyone. It's silent and vacant, the void having taken over the town. The beautiful flowers that once surrounded the sidewalk have now lost all of their colors. They're completely dull, and Rainbow feels like there's something oddly relatable about them.

As she reaches the house, she stops in her tracks to study a suspicious empty patch of dirt right by the front door.


Rainbow Dash whirls around in surprise, only to find a huge dog standing behind her. She stares at it in silence. It stares back. She notices that it's walking all alone; it's even holding its own blue lead. She clears her throat and takes a careful step forward, but the dog freaks out and sprints right past her.

"What the hay..." she mutters to herself as her gaze follows in surprise.

The dog is digging up the dirt outside their door. It sniffs around frantically, as if searching for something, and Rainbow attempts to walk up to it again. This time, the dog twirls to gaze at her, eyes huge and ears folded. It seems like the dog is sniffing around for seeds to plant more flowers. She can't explain how she knows that, but something about the way it stares at her sends the message.

It's a huge dog, but right now it looks so exposed and fragile. So big and strong, yet so tiny and weak at the same time.

She attempts to lean down and pet it in a comforting matter, but the dog is gone as fast as it had appeared, and Dash stands alone in the foggy front yard once again. She watches the leaves on the trees wither peacefully and connect with the ground.

She wishes she could've joined the dog for a walk and find the beauty in flowers along its side, but the accident had turned green to gray. Now, she knows that the walks are no longer necessary.

Rainbow wishes the dog would've brought her along. She had a feeling that she was meant to stay by its side, wherever it had gone. Without it, she's left feeling like a flower with no sunlight.

The void keeps growing in size. She feels herself scream, but she doesn't hear it.

The dog reminds her of her.

. . .

Rainbow Dash screams. She shoots up before even realizing she's awake.


"Applejack!" she cries, tackling the girl in an embrace. A great pang grips her heart as she holds onto the girl for dear life. Applejack, though a little startled, embraces her back. She plants soft kisses along her tear-streaked cheeks and whispers comforting words in her ears.

Rainbow Dash weeps for hours, and Applejack doesn't let go of her for even a second.

"I'll be home early this time," Rainbow tells Applejack as she opens the door.

"Ya better keep that word," the blonde replies, and Rainbow smiles.

"I will," she promises.

Just as she's about to take a step outside, she hesitates, turning back around to look at the girl. Applejack tilts her head in question.

"You sure you don't want to come?" Rainbow Dash asks, almost desperately. "I'm so close to finding the right hints, you know."

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