Chapter 12: Vernon

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I would like to thank my wonderful betas – Jasmin Kain, VAspera and Gingerljf17.

Snape rubbed his temple, trying to get rid of the headache. Tired and sleepy, he would gladly go to bed. Unfortunately, he still had to have a talk with Potter. The man yawned, covering his mouth with his hand. Another hour and he'll be able to get some sleep. He'll just ask Theo to check on the irresponsible Gryffindor from time to time.

He hoped Potter would take the news relatively well. If this kind of news could be taken well at all.

Opening the door, Severus startled the boy so much that he jumped on the bed and looked at him as if the Potion Master were a Boogeyman who killed his parents, and in a moment, he was about to get him. The irony was, it was not far from the truth. At least as far as the parents were concerned. Fortunately, Potter was unaware of that fact.

Severus looked at the scrawny kid. He looked innocent, and at first glance, no one would have guessed that he was the worst terror in school. It was because of him that the man had not slept in more than thirty hours, trying to save the boy from his own stupidity. The Potions Master thought he should have strangled the kid for the idiotic tattoo. Still, since brewing potions all night would then be a waste of time, he dismissed the idea immediately.

"You jumped as if you had something on your conscience."

"What? I didn't touch anything! I didn't even get out of bed!" shouted the boy.

Severus sighed.

"Potter, it was just a joke. Calm down."

The boy looked at him doubtfully, as if not believing that the man knew the definition of the word "joke" at all. But, hey! Out of the two of them, it wasn't the Potions Master who was linguistically ignorant here. Despite Severus' inept attempt to start a conversation in a friendly manner, the boy still looked as if his every muscle was tense, and he would rather fly out of the room as soon as possible.

As Severus handed him the sandwich, he took it without a word and began to eat it slowly, never taking his eyes off the teacher. At least the teen didn't make a scene like the last time Severus wanted to feed him. After several minutes, the boy finally finished. When the Potions Master wanted to take the plate from him, Potter cringed abruptly.

"Potter, what's wrong with you? Relax a little."

"What's wrong with me?" He asked, confused. "With me?" He repeated louder. "Are you kidding me? What the hell is wrong with you, Snape?! Why haven't you started yelling at me and getting mad and calling me names yet? Why are you so... so..."

"So what?"

"So...kind of normal!?"

"Wait a moment. I want us to understand each other absolutely. You want me to shout at you and insult you?"

"Yes!" The boy snapped. "I mean, no! I don't know... That's not the point!

Severus rubbed his temples with his fingers again. Potter's behaviour was definitely not helping him to get rid of the headache. Still, at least he felt a little less sleepy.

"Potter, take three deep breaths and explain to me, what are you on about again?"

"I don't know. I heard you were brewing potions all night... And I'm kinda' imposing on you. I mean, not at my own request, of course, because I wanted to go home, but Nott advised me not to."

"He did the right thing. And I still don't see the point."

"And you always yell at me for nothing, and now when there's really a reason you're not, and suddenly you're playing...nice?"

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