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❝ oh but it's worth it, she's divine

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oh but it's worth it, she's divine.

CHILDHOOD NAÏVETY WHISKED away sort of lachrymose memories of the past; reflecting the bygone era of young adolescence with only a echo of laughter and cryptic emotions. Some time before the engagement to the fiery-haired boy from over the grapevine hills, memories recalled the tempest of emotions that flurried within you whenever he came around— the dance of the butterflies fluttering about in the pits of your stomach whenever your mind wandered to the boy. The flush of your cheeks, a glow of gentle warmth (a warmth that you inscribed to be the sun) radiated from your face. The change in the timbre of your younger self's voice whenever he glanced in your direction, the fire that danced in his eyes.

Obvious; it was blatantly obvious. You held no secret in hiding those emotions for him; in fact, you took pride in those emotions. Back then, the two of you wandered through gardens of roses and peonies, hand in hand like presumed royalty. A gold crown adorned the heads, one made of precious stones and metals. You could never balance the crown as well as him as yours was always lopsided, crooked to the side before it came tumbling off. The metal clattered against the flowery soil of the garden before his hand swooped down to collect it. He held the crown out to you before placing it atop your head with a smile that rivaled the sun, stars, and moon.

Scents of firewood and ripe grapes always accompanied him, wherever he went. It was a fragrant that soothed you, reminding you of his warm presence. Like how the sunflowers inclined towards the sun, you inclined towards him— the celestial star of your universe. He was unmatched, unrivaled. He's absolutely perfect in every way and you couldn't help but admire him, afar or up close.

Your younger sisters would often tease you of this infatuation with the sun-kissed, fiery-haired boy that seemingly lit up the world. Their words, at the time, meant little consequence as you brushed them off with threats of reporting their teasing to mother or father (they would shut up immediately upon hearing your threat). It was an innocent infatuation, nothing less— much like how the moths would be drawn to a burning flame, one that flowed crimson, a brilliant inferno cacophony that starkly contrasted the swirling navy skies above. A light in the darkness that everyone was drawn to, this primordial instinct of craving warmth and light.

For he, the boy from over the grapevine hills, was your sun whilst you are the planets that revolve around him— the Mercury that lingered a bit too close to the heat. His sunny disposition and smiles always made those around him experience a jolt of euphoric elation. Coupled by the fact that he is absolutely faultless in all manners, what was there not to love about him?

Seraphic rapture overcame you whenever your eyes fell upon his perfectly framed face, the sanguine tainted tufts that curled by the edge of his jawline. His softened vermillion eyes sparkled when meeting your gaze. He flashed that oh-so familiar smile, the one that made you melt. It was love; young, sweet, naïve love at the time.

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