The Sirens

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The sirens rang.

Something was happening.

The loud noises are causing panic in my brain.

The sirens could only come from one place.

The prison.

Someone has escaped.

Only one person was in that prison, right?

And it was....


I refuse to believe it.

He didn't get out.

The sirens must have malfunctioned.

He didn't get out.

Sam must've split his coffee and push the wrong button on accident.





Where's Tubbo?

Where's Ranboo?

Where's Tom-

Oh no.

They had to hear the sirens.

They fucking had to.

I need to get to them.

I need my family.

I need to make sure they're safe.

I scream for their names,

Only hearing sobs in return.

I hear a pained oink come from the sobbing room.

I kick down the door to see Tubbo on the floor sobbing, holding a very injured Micheal, Tommy standing protectively in front of the two and-


He's here.

In the same room and-

I shout out for Tommy as I ran towards him and jumped into his arms.

Currently, I seemed to be the last person he expected.

He looked me up and down commenting on how I've grown up from when I was younger.

I hated him.

As I looked around the room I saw Ranboo in the corner, seemingly having an essential crisis.

He followed my gaze, smirking as he turned back.

He said that he came to check up on how his 'friends' were doing.


Where was all of his threatening armor?

Where were all of his scary weapons?

Then it clicked.

This man just escaped a highly secure prison.

And that was less than 10 minutes ago.

He didn't have anything on him.

Only that stupid smirk and that damned mask.

I look back at Tubbo caressing Micheal's check, promising it was going to me okay.

Then Micheal went limp.

Tubbo's body went cold.

I froze and went over to the small piglin.

Tubbo was slightly shaking him.

He kept telling Micheal to get up and stop playing these games.

At this point Ranboo was making his way over to us.

The whole time this was happening, he just was making comments to Tommy.

Ranboo saw his child not moving and started shaking the pig boy.

Both parents were in tears.

That's when Tommy turned and looked at the commotion.

His blood went cold as he saw his unmoving nephew.

Tears were quickly flowing down Tommy's face as he went and also tried to wake up Micheal.

He just stood there, slightly chuckling and shaking his head, saying something about attachments.

I snapped.

I stood.

I turned to him.

He looked me in my eyes as I looked at him straight back.

I took a step forward.

He can't hurt me.

He has nothing.

I took another step forward.

He just got out of prison.

I can still hear the sirens.

Those stupid sirens.

I saw him tense a little before calming down.

He must think I have nothing on me.

Oh was he so very wrong.

Techno told me that I should never let my enmities see my weapons.

<Dream was slain by (Y/U)>

And the sirens stopped.



Im high on angst

Angst go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

-Angsty Sly

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