Chapter 8 Graceful Blues

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After Amanda and her friends spent most of their time around the Christmas section, they took their time to change into Santa outfits. Kenny is waiting from the outside of the changing room, holding onto Panda. The cub had never felt so happy in his life. After receiving a few Christmas treats, hanging out with Amanda's friends by going on kiddie train, and witnessing all the wonderful ornaments attached to the largest trees in the mall.

"You have been in such a good mood since we met you." Kenny looked down at the cub.

"Who couldn't on Christmas Eve?" Panda turned to Kenny. "I've never felt so happy on a holiday like this."

"Well...yeah, but when I saw you the first time, it felt like you weren't meant to be here."

The cub didn't want to lie but on the other hand, he got sidetracked ever since he nuzzled Amanda. He couldn't even feel like his old self when his presents made everyone believe he's a cub. Admiration, but also with love was something he never got as a cub and now, he's experiencing it.

"You're right, the thing is the last time I was here was with my friend Tom."

"So you have an owner?"

"Kind of. He's only taking care of me for the day."

Kenny would understand that his somewhat owner lost him in the mall, however he's not sure if he would enjoy himself with Tom. "Did something happen to you that made you sad on Christmas Eve?"

"Let's just say it was a wish of a lifetime...for a grown bear that is."

"I don't understand what you mean."

Just when Panda was about to fill in again, Amanda and her friends came out. "We're back!" Samantha cheered.

"Took longer than we thought, but at least we're finally in the Christmas spirit now." Amanda smiled.

Panda became distracted from Amanda's outfit, same goes to her friends by her side. As if she was planning to do it even when his wish never happened. "You look wonderful..." He commented while Amanda giggled.

"Like Santa's adorable helpers."

"Especially fitting in once we head to the parade." Daniella added.

"But we're not done yet." Sari taking Panda from Kenny. "We still need to put him in a Christmas outfit."

The girls bring the cub into the changing room to dress him up, leaving Kenny confused. He had nothing against the cub knowing he's not faking an act, but one thing for sure, he won't be living with his friend's house.

Back in the hallways, Tom had been going from section to section, shop to shop to find Panda after he lost him. "How hard is it to find a single cub?" He said while being exhausted. "It's already one o'clock and he probably has been taken away."

Tom can only hope Panda is safe and sound but after receiving a text from Issac, he has to go to the parade while taking the cub with him. Griff on the other hand, didn't text him when he lost Grizz. After forcing to eat two ice cream cones, he lost his stamina a bit.

"Maybe his wish didn't involve me having a memorable Christmas." He lowered his head. Even with his disappointment in the way, he rather do what's best for his best friend than giving up.

He finally arrives at the Christmas section with tons of children running past him. He walked past all the decorations along with a man dressed up as Santa Claus sitting on his chair. "Panda." He called while looking in his surroundings. "Panda."

Then Kenny heard the word Panda, the same name the cub had. While his friends are still busy dressing up Panda, He heads to where the voice was coming from, and soon it didn't take long when he found Tom.

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