Darry - Rained In

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Word Count: 1247

You had scheduled workers to come out to your house and replace your roof. It wasn't broken, but it was getting old and really dirty, so it needed to be replaced. 

You heard a truck pull up and saw it park on the side of the road. A man got out, and boy was he hot. He had blonde, greased back hair and blue eyes. On top of that, he was really muscular.  You were in such a trance that I didn't even see him walk up to the door. You only heard a strong knock. 

You quickly got up and speed walked to the door, fixing your appearance. You opened the door and looked him in the eyes. He was even more handsome up close. 

"Uhh, do you want me to just start working on your roof now?" he asked, kind of uncomfortable, you must have been staring again. 

"Oh yeah you can go ahead and start now. If you need any water or food you can just knock and ask for some," you said, trying to lighten up the mood and make the vibe less awkward. 

He gently nodded and grabbed his ladder to climb on the roof. You went back inside the house and set out some sandwiches and bottled waters ahead of time in case he needed them. You sat down on you couch and pulled out a book while you took a sip of tea you make prior to him coming to your house. 

You were interrupted when you heard a huge boom of thunder, followed by pouring down rain. You saw the man start to pack up all of his equipment and quickly scale down the ladder. 

Once he was on the ground, you said, smiling, "You can come inside if you want. It would be more comfortable than sitting in the truck until the rain passes."

He ran to your front door, trying to dodge the rain. He finally got to your door and set his ladder down against your house. 

"Thank you so much it means a lot to me," he thanked, smiling.

"Of course! It's no problem," you replied, opening the door and letting him in.

He set his toolbox down on the floor next to your door. 

"Oh, you are probably freezing. Let me go get you a towel and some blankets. You can go ahead and sit on the couch or on one of the chairs if you would like," you said, rushing off to your bathroom to get towels. 

When you came back, he was sitting on the dark brown couch in the middle of the room. You immediately gave him the towel and set the folded blanket down on the open space on the couch. 

"Would you like me to put on some music?" you asked, trying to find something to do. 

"Sure anything is fine," he replied, unfolding the blanket and laying it across his lap. You went to your record player and put on some old music. Your tea had gone cold, so you thought to ask him if he wanted some since you were already making some. 

"Hey, would you like some tea, or anything to drink?" you asked from the kitchen.

"Can I please have a coffee if that isn't too much trouble?" he asked, sorta hesitant. 

"Of course give me a couple minutes and I'll be right out with it."

You prepared the drinks and started walking towards the living room. When you got there, the man was almost asleep. You could tell this was a tiring job, so you were glad you could help and make something to help him get more energy.

"Ok here is your coffee. I don't know how you like it so I just brought some creamer and sugar out here," you said, handing him the hot cup of coffee and setting the creamer and sugar down on the small table beside the couch.

"Thank you so much, you are so kind. What is your name?" he asked, starting a conversation.

"My name is Y/N, what's your's?"

"Oh my name is Darrel, but you can call me Darry," he replied, grinning. 

By this time you were already sat down next to him on the couch, sipping on your tea. You turned on the television because the conversation was getting dry and it would make it less awkward.

"So do you work anywhere," he asked hesitantly, as if being careful not to offend you in any way.

"Yeah, I actually work as a nurse down at the hospital. It has decent pay, but I'm still trying to save up to maybe buy a better house or something to improve my living in a way. Luckily, they let me have today off though so I could get someone to fix the roof. Nobody else lives here so nobody else can keep watch of the house most of the time," you replied sweetly.

"Oh that's nice. Yeah, I've always wanted to do something like that, but I never made it to college because, uh," he scratched the back of his neck, seeming nervous. "Well, I have two younger brothers, and a couple of years ago, our parents died in a car crash. I had to take care of them so they didn't get put into a boys home. I don't regret my decision at all, it's just sometimes I wish I still had the chance to get a better job than what I have now."

You were shocked. You didn't think that he was going to tell you all of this right now and you could tell that he was nervous to do so.

"Ohh, I'm so sorry, I wish there was something I could do. I never had any siblings so I can't relate to that, but my parents did die when I was young. My aunt took care of me, but she was never really too nice to say the least, so I applied to a college down here and got a full ride scholarship. I got a job just to pay the rent and I actually just got out of nursing school so I now work at the hospital."

"Oh wow, I am so sorry to hear that. But it's great how you stayed tough and still did what you always dreamed of. I always think that once my brothers get old enough that I am going to apply to college and finally do what I've always wanted."

"Aww, that's great." you decided to be bold and hug him. He seemed surprised but also, relieved?  He hugged back and that sort of turned into a cuddling in a way. You pulled back and looked into his eyes. They were so beautiful- an icy blue with gray streaks throughout it. 

You didn't even realize what I was doing, but you were slowing leaning in, and so was Darry. After what seemed like hours, your lips finally met, and it felt like fireworks were going on all around you. This was better than any other kiss you've ever had before. It wasn't because Darry was a better kisser than everyone else. Well, he was, but that wasn't why. It was because of the amount of emotions both of you had in the kiss. You were soulmates. 

Darry finally pulled away for air. "So, do you wanna come over to my place tomorrow? You can meet the gang and my two brothers," he asked you nervously.

"I would love that," you agreed, smashing your lips back to his, continuing what you were doing. 

AN: That was so weird writing in second person but oh well at least I actually made a part

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