Chapter One-Katnaped.

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Chapter One-Katnaped.

I can remember those times... the wind wipped up hair, chearing as out friends tried out new skater stunts, the sweet summer laughter next to the rarwing sea. They were good times,with the nicest of kids. I thought i'd know them forever, thought i could never die. But just that week, one summer weekend, every thing would change. 

Olive and Lily sat with me at the cafe table, under the roof of the gleaming white shopping center. It was one of those cafes that tried so hard to harbor an 'orthentic' french atmosphere but failed due to the sceaming babies, texting teens and stearn bussiness people who cluttered the little round tables. Not to mention the sloppy, untrained; just blankly dum staff who all looked like they had abbused a fair amount of dugs in the past, with there hang over like attidues. 

Lily's phone buzzed as I came out of my semi-perminet gorming state, Olive read the text alloud a big grin spreding across her tiney dinpled face "Yeah,sure Lily I'd love to go to the movies with you,that would be fly babe. Monday it is then?" Kate responded with a sweet smile and Olive began to giggle,"PULLED"she yelled across the cafe, so loud evey one turned to stare at her. I grimised with embarssesment,"Shhh,shut up Olive!" I hissed in a small voice thogh even I was begining to giggle. Lily was practicly histerical,"Should I go with him? He's nice but..."Olive chopped in,beathing heavy after her sudden out burst,"But what?" she demanded. "But...he's an A cass player."I added raising a blonde eye brow and pushing some of my eaqualy light hair from my face. Dissmay passed overLily's face,"It's only been afew girls Lily, I'm sure it'll all go fine. After all me and Kits will be there to keep an eye." Olive reasured her. "Oh crap!" I exclaimed as I cheacked the time on my phone,"It's quater past! I have to go,touchy Mum's deadline and all..." I picked up my stuff, "Bye guys,  call later yeah?"I shouted running out of the shop. "Same as every friday!" they yelled babck in unison.  

I rounded the couner to the stairs, my long hair getting tangled round my face as it did in the most annoying of situations. BUMP! I yellped, slipped, landed face first on the floor. Heeped up with a cubby ginger girl. Brilliant, even more late now. "Sorry, i really should look around more",i said,cringing. As I stood I helped the girl up, she was short, and cubby- but not fat. Just that kind of cute cubby that reminds you of a tinney puppy coved in puppy fat. She had beautiful hair, it was more of a redish than a ginger and i fell in long pefect curls. Her face was plump and she had cheaks as almost as rosie as her hair, peiceing green eyes and an innicont look about her. The sort of person you took an instant liking to. She looked daized, "Oh,oh no it's er fine...hi my names,er..erm. Oh buggar! Wheres my necklace gone" She moned her teary eyes gleaming up at me as she grasped her bear neck. "My gran will kill me." She looked about one or maybe even two years yonger than me,and very upset. So pittying her i offered my help,"Oh my god, sorry this is all my fault! I must be on the floor some where round here! Please, let me help you look?" Mum would't mind if i was a litttle late. 

So after ten minutes of scrabbling around on the floor,much to the delight of passers by,I found a green star charm, a little glass gem on a silver chain. "Hey,I got it!" I yelled,"Really!Thanks!" She said taking the necklace off me and cliping it back on. "We never got chance to be introduced properly,did we?" She asked,"Phraps I might buy us a drink, seen as you've been such a help..." her voice was so soft and warm, such a kind invertaition! How could I possibly refuse? "Sure,why not? Only for a bit though...i was uspposed to be back home ages ago." We smiled at eachother,like we'd been friend for ages "Any way... my names Safron, what yours?" She asked wile we walked to the food cort,"Thats such an unusuall name,it's loverly! Mines Katy, Kit for sort." We had some light harted chat till we reached the cort. It was delicous, the smells the made you stave for some thing to eat. "Oh,goodness...there are my friends! I'm late,gosh! Wish I could stop being such a scatter bain like that!" She grasped my hand and urged me to the table. 

Two people sat there one was a boy, with dark ebony skin a bald head and big,deep,brown eyes. He was very muscular and must have work out about five times a day! Next to him sat a girl, she was tall and incredibly skinny-she had the perfect modles body. I was jelous. Her hair was in soft waves,long and jet black. She had one eye brow pirced and venom bite pieceings. Her eyes were an enchanting dark green and she was very, very beautiful indeed. On her colar bone,peeping out of her black shirt was a small feaver tatoo. She must have been way to young to have that done legaly. Suddenly I began to wonder if I shoud be here.

Safron nuged me on to the bench,"Bit late Saffie,what you been doing?" asked the boy, "And who's She?" commented the girl. She spoke in a soft Russan accent. "She helped me find my necklace, i droped it." Saffron replyed in a sweet little way,"you guy whant anything from the venders? I ow Kit here a drink." She said as she rose from hear seat. "Nope,we've had coffe thanks." said the boy,he had a kind London accdent. "So..." he said,turning to me, "Your Kit?" 

"I am, i have't got your names yet though...."

"My names Will,but call me Wolf. Every one dose."

"My name's Thorn." Said the girl.

"Well technicly your names Tiffany!" Shot Wolf as Thorn gave him an icy glance. Saff came back fro the venders and handed me a drink i'd never heard of 'Frosties Fizz', strange name. "Sorry if it's not good, I only had a pound and these are the only fifty pence ones." I cracked open the can,"Oh no,it's fine..." I took a sip, it tasted like shit. "It's yum!" I said,bracing my self you drink more. We all had quite an interesting converation, it turned out that these three teen's had alot more in common with me than i first thought. Especilly Wolf. We must have chatted for at least an hour, I only knew it was time to go when I cought a glimps of the dark night sky from the corner of my eye. I'd compeatly frogot about my dead line! "Oh no, i'm in some bull when I get back." I said glumly,"Why?"asked Thorn,"I was supposed to be home an hour and a half ago!" Saff looked sorry for me,"Oh blame it on me! I'm the one who made you stay!" she exclaimed. "It's fine,i'll walk you home,i if you like" Suggested Wolf. I could feel my self blushing slightly, never, ever had I been walked home by a boy,"If you sure?"

"It would be my absolute pleasure!" He replyed as we shuffed out of the pleather coved bench. We had a good canveration as he walked me home,I even got his number of him! We got to the end of my rode as he said,"I shoul probibly leave you to get home from here." Not what i'd expected to hear! "Oh okay..." I said, disshartened slightly, "Well your Mum would't whant you getting home late with a strange boy on your hip, now, would she?" he laghed warmly,as did I,"Nope deffiantly not!" I giggled. "Bye,night-night..." he said grasping me in a hug. 

His strong arms were around my waist, slowly they began to tighten. He gently lifted my feet of the grownd. Was this normal? No. What was happening? What the hell was he doing? Then his arm lifted up and his hand lay over my moth. It had cloth in it. He was suffercating me. I tryed to draw deep beaths, the cloth smelled and tasted foul. He moved the cloth,I began to go dizzy as I gaped for air. I droped on the floor. 


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