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The first movement of my egg happened just as father returned to the tree bulb near the border of the Northern kingdoms. He was a pure white snowy with no mate, and watched with silent excitement as the single egg rocked and wobbled. A crack appeared as I smashed against the shell. I stopped and rested for a few short moments. Soon, I shattered the egg and flopped onto the nest of moss. I was covered in hideous silver down and shivered as the cold winds from outside blew over me. My father pulled me close and kept me warm under his wing.

His egg had hatched. The new father's head spun as he glanced at the tiny ball of fuzz covered in egg goop under his wing. Soon, he would open his eyes, and once that happened, he would teach him all about the Lord and the higher circle. One day his own son might even become a warrior of the upper quadrant. He himself still hadn't earned his name; although he would soon. The northern breeze blew over his face and ruffled his feathers as he stared up at the night sky. Day was soon.

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