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Moving in to a new area is always such a pain. It takes hours to load everything into the new home and twice as long to unpack and decorate. No matter when you start, the process will always last into the evening.

Personally Y/n would have been fine not moving. Her room was comfy and perfect the way it was, it's slight clutter only adding to the charm. It was perfectly cold and had the permanent smell of strawberry candles in it. She could've stayed there forever with no qualms about it.

Unfortunately her step-father had other plans. He was a nice guy, really he was. Buying them snacks randomly just because he thought of them or taking them on fun little outings was just the kind of thing sweet, kind Randy did.

Even more unfortunately however, Sweet, kind Randy was kind of an oblivious impulsive idiot who randomly bought the children plane tickets to Japan on their mother's 6th year anniversary with him. 'This is a fantastic chance to reconnect with your father!'

It would be a fantastic chance to reconnect with her father. That would be, if she'd ever truly met him in the first place. The closest things Y/n had to knowing her father were old pictures, her mother's diary, and her mother's angry ranting on what a 'spineless deadbeat with no real aspirations' D/n was. There were also the occasional birthday and holiday card, (nobody is ever really sincere when they write those) but since they didn't have cash in them those don't really count in her opinion. Now that she thinks about it that last one may be biased. There were a few vague memories of a tall and scruffy man with a goatee around her mother a few times when she was little, but nothing substantial enough to actually have a connection with him.

Y/n's sure he has at least some redeeming qualities to him. After all, her mother was married to him at one point. Not to mention, she let him get her pregnant twice, which was crazy considering they'd been divorced since she was 2. Her mom letting him hit it again while at MMA Worlds 1993? Crazy. Speaking about her mother, she recalled that M/n was pretty neutral about the idea. 'You can go if you want to, I won't force you." That was mom code for 'If you don't take those tickets, I will!' And honestly, good for her.

If she thinks of this as a vacation, she's sure that this trip will be more tolerable. Just a 'who knows how many'-year long vacation to a foreign country with a language she kinda-sorta knows. At least she has her little brother with her. He'd give some much needed entertainment until they landed.
B/n was extremely shy. He was the kind of child that seemed much older than he actually was. It helped not having to explain everything in extreme detail and having a companion to talk to. The downside was that he was clueless when it came to social interactions and panicked over even meeting eyes with someone. Currently he was stuttering over his words as the pretty flight attendant asked him what he'd like to drink.

Deciding to put him out of his misery, you intervened. "He'll have a Sprite, Miss." Nodding she turned to you. Now it was your turn to momentarily panic as you wracked your brain for drinks. It seemed like your lifetime of knowledge on drinks that you enjoyed had suddenly disappeared. Realizing you were taking too long you decided to be a copycat. "I'd like the same please."

You were starting to realize that you wouldn't be needing English much longer. Thank god your mother wanted you to be fluent in the languages of your culture otherwise you'd be stuck. For the next few hours you were silent, mentally going over the phrases you needed to say in order to get a taxi to your father's house.
Apparently anxiously rehearsing lines was a fantastic way to spend the time. Before Y/n knew it she was absentmindedly grabbing her carry on and ushering B/n out of the plane and the Airport. Quickly sending a text that they had landed to her mother,  Y/n also sent one to their father. They would be at his house in less than an hour if everything went right.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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