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        Mikey woke up with sweat covering his whole body and was breathing erratically. He clutched his shirt trying to breathe properly as his mind relayed the scenes from his nightmare. He looked around his surroundings and was taken back to see that he was in his childhood bedroom, was he still inside a nightmare? One that made him remember what he had already lost? He stood up; still feeling disoriented and tried to make his way to the bathroom. Everything felt real, from the corridors to the warmth seeping from the floor to the birds chirping outside. Even if this was a nightmare, at least he gets to spend time with his family again.

He got to the bathroom and looked at the mirror. That was when he remembered everything. The deaths of Shinichiro, Baji, Izana, and Emma, Kenchin almost dying, his future self that killed people, Bonten, driving his friends away, shooting Takemitchy.... He shot Takemitchy, the only person who tried so hard into saving Mikey even when he was bleeding. He still tried to save me despite all the pain and suffering I had brought him. He remembered Takemitchy's conviction, his promise, those blue eyes filled with resolve. Mikey flopped down, bringing his hands to his face, surprised to feel tears streaming down. He didn't know what to do, who to confide in, they might think he's crazy, hell, he thinks he's crazy especially at what he did.

Emma was trying to find Mikey when she saw that he wasn't in his room, which confused her, knowing that Mikey doesn't usually wake up on his own. She heard someone in the bathroom and was certain Mikey was inside. She knocked, telling Mikey that breakfast was ready but she was only greeted with silence and then a loud gasp. The bathroom door open and Mikey stood there, crying, looking at Emma like he had seen a ghost. She was about to ask him what was wrong when she was engulfed in a tight hug. Mikey hugged her like she was going to disappear. Emma, wondering if Mikey had a nightmare, tried to comfort him, telling him it was alright, resulting in him sobbing. They stayed in that position until Shinichiro came to get them. He was baffled to see them crouched on the floor hugging and that Mikey was crying.

He called out to them and was tackled into an embrace by Mikey. Shinichiro looked at Emma bewildered, silently asking her what happened. She mouthed that he might have had a nightmare to which Shinichiro hugged Mikey back with understanding. He hasn't seen Mikey cry in a long time but somehow his gut was telling him this was more than just a nightmare. He stood up, carrying Mikey to the dining room. Their grandfather looked at them, raising his eyebrow at Shinichiro carrying Mikey. Shinichiro told him he will tell him later.

"Come on kiddo, we both can't eat if you don't let me go. Your grip is kind of starting to hurt. Look~ There are pancakes! Don't worry, I made them!"

"What's that supposed to mean Nii-chan?!"

"I mean--- Well--- Your pancakes weren't looking like pancakes last time Emma! But of course, you've gotten better! Wait! What I mean to say is that---"

Mikey laughed at their bantering, loosening his hold on Shinichiro; he missed this, he missed them. He let go of his brother and went to greet his grandfather. He noticed his grandfather's eyes were tinted with worry.

"Manjiro, are you alright?"

"I have never been better!"

He gave them a huge smile and went to sit down. All of them looked at him, still concerned at his behavior, but decided not to further question it. Emma and Shinichiro took a seat, continuing to banter about Emma's poor attempt at making pancakes while making, Mikey adding his own opinion. If this was real, then he had been given a chance to change everything; he was not going to waste it.

After breakfast, he immediately went to his room. He wrote down everything he can recall from his memories and made a plan for everything, but the only problem was how he was going to tell his friends. He knows they'll think he's out of his mind but he needs all the help he can get if he wanted to change everything. He peered at the calendar pinned on his door, taking note that it was the day after they made their gang. He grabbed his phone, leaving them a message to meet at the park where they usually hang out. He told Emma and his grandfather that he was going to meet with his friends. Shinichiro already left for work; Mikey needed to make sure they all visit his brother's bike shop.

Mikey arrived at the park but he was the only one there. He sat down at a swing waiting for his friends, thinking about how to explain to them. He doesn't know if they'll believe in that entire going-back-into-time thing, Mikey admits he has an overactive imagination, but not that overactive. A few moments later, he heard several thumps as well as the squeaking of shoes. He looked up to see his friends, all out of breath from running, wearing grim expressions on their faces.

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