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It's been one week since Lu Biyu made an egg tart for the Second Prince,it's been a week since he and the Second Prince are hanging out but as of now he still didn't know that the person he is seeing these days is the Second Prince.

Now his heart,the bean that has been planted this week is starting to sprout but he needs to stop it, it needs to die because if ever that bean blooms he doesn't know what he would do.

He is marrying the Second Prince next Monday and he cannot defy the imperial edict.

Today is Wednesday and it's just a few days before the wedding and he is starting to worry.

He wants to see the man that he is falling in love with but he can't. If ever someone sees them they would be in trouble.The man he loves will be in danger.

These days he looks tired and bitten. His worry is overwhelming him. The Lu family is starting to worry because of this. He always looks dazed and he won't know that there's a person behind him if you don't tap or nudge him.

On this day he is sitting outside of his chamber looking over at the couple of maids that are bustling around.His face looks thin and under his eye is shed of black because of his lack of sleep.

"Young Master." Someone called out to him but he didn't look, he just nodded his head but didn't speak.

"Someone is looking for you at the gate of the manor."

It took a bit long before he replied.

".....looking for me?Who?" Now he faces his personal maid. From his voice you can feel that his spirit is really low.

"It's the Elder Master's superior." After hearing that he sprang on his seat and looked at his maid.


"Yes, Young Master. He is waiting outside."

"Why didn't you invite him inside." He said and ran out of his courtyard at the speed of light.

He ran and ran until he reached the gate....there he saw the man that kept him thinking.

He walks to his front and smiles lightly. At that moment he confirmed that the bean had been sprouting and had bloomed.

"What happened to you? I just didn't see you for a week but you look exhausted?"

Lu Biyu didn't answer but instead dragged him to the back garden of their manor.

At first he didn't speak, he just walked with him in silence. After a while he started to speak.

"You know I enjoy the days that we've spent." He smiled."Those days i felt so happy because of your presence. I enjoy our simple walks,our simple meals together and everything."

Lu Biyu faces him and smiles but his eyes start to redden. At any time his tears will drop but he didn't let it drop.

"I just want to tell you this because I won't have a chance to say this word next time." He smiled and a tear dropped from his eyes.

"I...I like you but we can't have a relationship because....because I'm going to get married with the second prince on monday."

The person in front of him helped him wipe his tears and said. " I know....I also like you. I also know that you're going to marry the second prince." He smiled but Lu biyu can't smile anymore.

His thoughts became distorted and a very bad idea popped out of his brain.


He widened his eyes because of that thought and he started to think when they could elope. He clenched his hands and suddenly grabbed the hands of the man before his eyes and said eagerly.

"Lets.....lets elope in that way i won't marry the prince and we can be together. Should....should we elope? But if we elope where are we going to stay? We should think where to go first and ...."

The second prince looks at his beloved who keeps talking about his ridiculous idea for them. He finds it amusing yet funny.

Why would they need to elope?

The person that his beloved is marrying is right in front of him.

Before he got a chance to answer his beloved they heard a voice at distance calling his beloved name.

Lu Biyu got a fright when he heard someone calling him. He looked over at his father.

"Father..." he called out softly; he even used his body to shield the man he loved.

"What is the meaning of this? What are you two doing?" His father asked with his strict voice and he looked over to the second prince that his son hid. " Young man, I suggest that you stay away from my son. He is going to marry the second prince. I don't want a rumor to be made because of the behaviour the two of you are making." Father Lu said it with a straight face and strict voice but deep inside he is going to faint because of nervousness.

This is the second prince he is talking to and his voice and words are really offensive but the prince is still pretending that he is someone else so Father Lu just acts out that he doesn't like him.

The cold sweat that forms over his forehead is very cold.

"Then I will be going then. I also don't want to spread rumors because of my visit. I also don't want Lu Biyu's reputation to get stained." The man said and said his farewell to the both of them.

Father Lu looks at his son who moves his hands to catch the second prince's hand.

"Don't...don't go...." Lu Biyu said softly but the two men heard him. His eyes are starting to form tears again.

"Please just stay for a bit. I...I won't get a chance to see again. Just stay for a bit while." He pleaded.

He looks pitiful, he just really wants the man to accompany him for the last time.Just to see him for the last time, eat a meal with him for the last time.

The head of the second prince hurt a bit because of his beloved plea for him to stay. He thinks that concealing his identity is really not a good idea just look at what he did. His baobei is crying pitifully.

He walked up to him and took his one hand, guiding his baobei to his own courtyard and led him to his chamber and let him lay down.

"Rest, I will accompany you. Just look at your under eyes, it's black." He coaxed while stroking his baobei long hair.

Not a moment later he heard Lu Biyu's even breathing.The hand that he holds is clenching him tightly.



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